Door to Door
by Drifting Away 19 Replies latest jw friends
Drifting Away
I hear my wife say to me " we are the only religion that does the will of God , and that is to preach door to door, and speak about Gods kingdom" And in one sense she is correct, I know there are others that preach door to door, but then someone told me door to door, does not literally mean door to door in modern times. I was confused, Has anyone ever heard of this before? -
it makes no difference even if very single scripture in the bible commanded Christians go D2D, they are false prophets promoting a entirely different version of what is meant to be the preaching of gods kingdom, they canvass for the WTS, the same the Mormons doing it for the CoLDS, a simple question I always ask jw's is to explain to me in their own words in a few sentences what is the kingdom of god that the WTS is preaching around the earth? than I tell them if you read the bible completely from cover to cover you get an entirely different message, unrecognisable, and show my from the bible where is states their version of it? they cant simple, a false message preached by false prophets, epic fail. They have got everything wrong from JC invisible presence, the selection of a mouthpiece on earth in 1919, the end of the Gentile Times, the different heavenly classes of Christians, the role of the holy spirit, their lunacy of their interpretation of the Book of Revelation, the Types and Anti-types, The King of the North, the end time dates and speculations the list is endless. -
The idea that Jesus commanded going 'door to door' is mainly a WBT$ construct based on scriptures that don't probably don't mean that at all. But try telling a JW that and it's a waste of time.
What have they accomplished by this method of spreading watchtower propaganda?
With 'new light(tm)', what they preach today becomes 'apostate lies(tm)' tomorrow.
the following link is very good.
Another thing that is noteworthy is their effectiveness.
1) It is the will of God that "all men be saved". (1 Tim 2:3-4) Since appointed by CJ as their exclusive Public Relations Rep, JW's have successfully(?) converted 1/10th of 1% of mankind alive today. God must be very disappointed that they have failed on the vast majority of mankind's salvation. Any good business person would tell them "You're Fired".
2) Ask any of your neighbors or friends what the message of JW's is about...........[deer in headlight look]......they will have NO IDEA. They may ramble on about not believing in Jesus, or Christmas, or taking any medical treatment, etc. The JW ministry accomplishes nothing.
3) If mankind's salvation is really the God Given Responsibility of JW's, then why are they sitting on their ass at Starbucks for 1 hour of their token 1 hours of Field Service. Why are they not "selling everything and following" Jesus? The answer is that they do not really believe all that bullsh!t either. Most are just keeping "one foot in the door" just in case the Big A does actually come "tomorrow" (or next week, or next year, or in the next decade).
Door to door is all about keeping JW's too busy to think.
my mom claims that all the time, so that's what makes it so 'special' lol
[my understanding from my research and my own 'logical',[lol] deductions,]
the bible, Jesus nor Paul, has never made a 'command' for anyone other than Jesus 12, to go from house to house.
Jesus told his 12 apostles, no one else to go... . their job was...
6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7
the scriptures are at Matthew 10 , he sends out the 12...
he told them to stay in one place and not being 'lodging' in several places.
'stay there until you leave' [unless they stayed someplace where they learned the householders were hostile to their faith].
11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.
that sentence, 'stay there until you leave', leaves a whole lot of room for imagination....
so he says,
7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’Not the end of the world is coming, and not be a jw or you will die.
so they were to expect the kingdom THEN not now, and what was that kingdom?
[the kingdom of the house of Israel Im assuming, [and those who followed the law] were said to be in paradise. [because in the last chapter of revelation a purely symbolic book, 'outside' of a kingdom,, means the world was going no place.] the paradise and kingdom to me, are one in the same.
all worship back then was at the temple, there was no public door to door campaigns.
plus in 2 Corinthians vs 3,4. , they were warned not to be preaching a different message that what was given them, which for them was Jesus.
JWS preach a different message.
those are two different belief systems in the bible, in no way does the bible have 'harmony'.
there are so many ways to interpret ancient texts, and i have never seen any scripture to convince me that there was any far future prophesy or a three fold application.
I can take five different cookie recipes, from the past 100 years, take a random ingredient from each one ,
as long as I have the 'main' ones,
[eggs flour sugar butter baking soda]
and still get a cookie, it might not be a great tasting cookie, but it can still be called a cookie. lol
Let's make one thing clear they do not preach the good news of the kingdom. At 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and Galations both specifically mention what the good news of the kingdom is and it's Christ that he came died and was risen. Its all about Christ. -
" we are the only religion that does the will of God , and that is to preach door to door, and speak about Gods kingdom "
JWS are a handful the religions that preach a false devised Gospel by setting dates which is being directly disobedient to Jesus's instructions toward preaching his Gospel of a new Kingdom to come.
Jesus or Jehovah would never pick commercialized false teachers who go against his instructions for preaching.
In a matter of fact he gave guidance and instructions to identify false prophets and what to do when you are in contact with them.
JWS are loyal and subservient to the Watchtower Publishing House and its corrupt coercive and devious leaders , they are not loyal or obedient to Jehovah.
I've said it a million times:
If things really were as JWs say: If there really was a Jehovah, if he really expected a worldwide preaching work to be done, and the WTS was the organization he selected to do it....
He'd slaughter the lot of them with a giant flaming hailstone for the piss-poor muck-up they are "accomplishing".
Drifting Away
Thank you for your responses. The website and video refer to were helpful.