Found some old books of my ex. Really old. Any suggestions?? Is it worth eBay? Or dump them?
Old books!
by arwen 15 Replies latest jw friends
Anders Andersen
Which titles? -
ebay them, i'm sure they are worth something. -
Equipped for every good work. New heavens and a new earth. New world translation 1950. Nations shall know. 1970. I'll get them laid out n take a photo. They need to go!! -
I messaged you.
If iyou're in the states the shipping costs may be tolerable for me depending on what you have 😀
Village Idiot
Don't toss them, just give them away to someone who can use them.
PS: Don't bother with eBay, they're not really old books - late 1800s - that can fetch you a modest amount of money.
I am in Canada till November. -
I'm sure someone here may want them including myself. -
I am trying to figure out how to post the pictures. Any tips? -