I was thinking today about a certain poster who seems to have a hard time dealing with anyone who does not embrace his point of view. He appears to be one of those big, very good looking men who is use to having people pander to him. Y-all know the type, pretty-boy, who the ladies, starting with momma, always think is wonderful no matter what stupid thing he does or says. Has his cronies follow him around telling him he's great! And any man that does not suck up to him has to watch out lest he incure the wrath of our hero.
But the rules are different on the net. Generally, all the ladies get treated very well. Men will treat them well because all women are possible conquests until proven otherwise. And the men are treated kinda average. And for most of the men here that is fine. The only people who lose out are the pretty boys. It is their very physical presence that gives them their edge. They come on line and get no special treatment, a totally foreign experiance for them, and this blows them away! They act like big babies and pout and throw fits and we tell them to get over it! They can't deal with it and storm off into the sunset telling themselves what jerks we all are!
Well what do you think? Do I have something here, or am I full of do-do? Maverick