This may be bizzare to some of you and maybe not from for others!!!
You see I bought this super duper vacum cleaner this past week-end. What I want to do is ritual or honoring with my old Hoover vacuum cleaner. Thats been in my life since 1972. So its 31 yrs old. Says alot about Hoovers.
My ex and I used it for contract cleaning business. So in the divorce I was given this Hoover and he kept the super duper cleaner.
Well I'm all for doing celebrations around many anniversaries in my life. I want to do some kind of thing around this piece of equiptment. Cause its the last piece reminding me of the marriage. Ironically I left him September 1st. So It will be 21 yrs ago.
So I've been brain stroming. What I do know is that its going to sit in the back yard as a memorial. Maybe I need to dream on it?? Any ideas??
I was told by my a friend that I as crazy. Its a matter of opinion!!! Besides when you are in your late 50's life gives you permission to be outlandish!!!! lol