There are good reasons to belief that Paul wrote Hebrews. I am convinced he wrote it. Is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?
Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
by Fisherman 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
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I’m pretty sure he was Hebrew.
There are good reasons to belief that Paul wrote Hebrews.
Are there? What are they? Authorship was already unknown at the end of the first century and it isn’t in Paul’s style.
Is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?
One would expect so, since you say there are good reasons for 'beliefing' it.
"Origen’s words about the author still ring true today: “God only knows.”"
Text and language of Hebrews differ somewhat from Paul's letters. The language experts insist that the Greek of Hebrews is superior and of high quality. I like the theory that he used an amanuensis to write it because his eyes were failing, perhaps someone like Apollos, who was schooled in Greek.
Paul generally made a point of naming himself as the author of the books he wrote, apparently because he was concerned about forgeries in his name. The writer of Hebrews does not name himself.
Paul repeatedly states that he received the Gospel directly from Jesus himself, whereas the writer of Hebrews places himself one step lower in the chain, stating that he heard it from those who heard it from Jesus. (...ὑπὸ τῶν ἀκουσάντων)
The writers of the NT were a mixed bag, with the writer of Revelation being barely literate, (At least in Greek) clear up to the writer of Hebrews, which is arguably the most sophisticated Greek in the NT. The writings that are definitely authored by Paul really aren't at this level.
I may have missed some discusson of this, but the OP was no doubt prompted by recent news article:
in which the question
"Paul’s letter to them is the New Testament epistle with the most Old Testament quotations"
was on the game show Jeopardy. The 'correct' answer was 'Who were the Hebrews', but curiously the framers of the question were unaware of the debated authorship of Hebrews.
Paul may have deliberately omitted his name in writing to the Hebrews in Judea, since his name had been made an object of hatred by the Jews there. —Acts 21:28
The writer of Hebrews was in Italy and was associated with Timothy. These facts fit Paul. —Heb. 13:23, 24
I think some guy named He-brews who was a beer maker by trade wrote it.
Paul may have deliberately omitted his name in writing to the Hebrews in Judea, since his name had been made an object of hatred by the Jews there. —Acts 21:28
The writer of Hebrews was in Italy and was associated with Timothy. These facts fit Paul. —Heb. 13:23, 24
Haha. I knew in advance that you’d just do a quote grab from the JW “All Scripture” book (page 243). Very bad form not citing your source.
Those aren’t reasons, they are speculation.