My dad is a JW and has recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma (type of bone cancer), the oncologist says the only way to treat this is to cut off his leg and part of his pelvic bone. Since he will not accept blood transfusion, the doctor will not perform the surgery because of the high risk of him not making it through the surgery. He has found an alternative doctor that has given him a lot of hope and started him on a natural chemo, various vitamins and a nutritional plan. This Doctor seems very confident that they can get rid of this. Does anyone have exp. or medical suggestions/contacts?
Help With Cancer Treatment
by andrej 38 Replies latest watchtower medical
Sorry, I can't offer any help or advice but just wanted to bring it back to the top so more people see it.
(((andrej))) must be a very worrying time for you.
hi Andee! Where do u live? If there is a blookess center around u they might be able to offer suggestions. sounds like he has found a good doc.
I also wanted to bring this back to thie top, and to let u know that even thugh the name says Jehovah's wintwess .com , this is basicaly an XJW site
Perhaps someone has the offical site url?
Best wishes
mmm? is it called orthomolecular medicine? If it is, it can be very efective treating cancer.....
Black Sheep
I have been looking at various cancer treatments for quite some time.
In my opinion, for what it is worth, the best two are Gerson Therapy and Dr. Richard Schulze's Incurables Program.
They are both very tough to do and unless the patient is absolutely determined to do the WHOLE program WITHOUT CHEATING, the chances of success drop off significantly.
My top pick is the Incurables Program and that is the toughest and most comprehensive.
Andrej : first of all BE STRONG !
support him even if you’re not faithful anymore, admit and accept his choices, because it can be hurtful for him if you don’t, but still you can tell him that if feels like to take blood you will support him – (medical information are confidential and even if his brothers and sisters stick around him they don’t have to know – but it would be better if you’re family don’t let them stick around !!!
About the surgery it also depend on the surgeon (it’s a big risk for him too) for example for Anthony they cool down his body – for an 9 hours surgery to replace his femur, knee and part of tibia and stuff – didn’t gave him any blood during the surgery so it’s maybe possible for your father. (Cut a leg doesn’t take very long, but to take of a part of the pelvic I don’t know)
He have to ask different surgeons : here is where Anthony have been operated it’s in
He have to ask different surgeons : here is where Anthony have been operated it’s in
He have to ask different surgeons : here is where Anthony have been operated it’s in
He have to ask different surgeons: here is where Anthony have been operated it’s in
Simon what's wrong ... ? I can't past the message
He have to ask different surgeons: here is where Anthony have been operated it’s in