A very well written post. Thank you.
I’ve wanted to comment on that very WT article. I’m glad you did it for me. IMHO, this quote is another great example of the WTS’ propaganda machine in action:
Propagandists often use the word like "sect" to stigmatize others.
In a recommendation
to the Parliamentary Assembly Of The Council Of Europe,
a suggestion was made
that the authorities who investigate new religious groups "would be well advised to forgo using this term
Who made the suggestion? What authority on ‘cults’ approached the PACE with this recommendation that helps the WTS cause?
The reader of the article is led to believe that someone else besides the WTS approached the PACE with this suggestion about cults. An authority who echoes the WTS cause. An authority that Jehover is maneuvering like a puppet to help His Earthly Organization’s cause.
With the authority never being identified, that’s what the reader is left to conclude.
But the reality of the matter is that the WTS is pleading the PACE themselves, but that is never said. And what is left unsaid and left for the reader to then assume is the one of the highest crimes that is committed on the victim reader of the article.
The WTS is an expert at this type of propaganda.
Quotes are cited without any references. And the reader is left to assume the goodwill and intent of the WTS.
The WTS articles are written is such a way not unlike a person running through a marathon race through a major city.
You run here, then you run over there, then over to the next street. And along the way you are handed glasses to drink of what you assume are filled with water.
But the WTS is really slipping you water mixed with alcohol. Oh, at first you get the water straight up. But eventually alcohol starts to be slipped in. And each glass farther along the race has less and less water and more and more alcohol. By the end, you look back in a drunken stupor not knowing what happened.
You never realize that you were being slipped Mickey Finn’s all along.
This type of BS propaganda is the first reason I starting Q’ing the WTS. I believed everything they wrote. Not until I started to smell the propaganda did I realize that I’ve been slipped Mickeys all along.
The WTS starts off with some credible sounding info, but then switches gears and starts inserting half-truths. By the end of an article, the WTS is stating complete lies based on the previously mentioned half-truths.
It makes me sick.
HS, keep us posted on this. And Caspian too. I want to see the WTS called the Spade as they really are.