I know this may seem strange but I think the physiological toll of not having children comes in the form of not being missed by someone when you die. Just the thought of leaving your possessions to no one must haunt these old ladies. Just to get some karma the old girls should get their the funeral costs forwarded to bethel with the explanation that their donations in the box was her funeral plan.
Want to read a surprising comment/complaint posted on my website about JW's encouraged not to have kids. Who would have thought!
by AndersonsInfo 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LoisLane looking for Superman
There was a brother. He died in his 80's. In his home. Alone. Found a few days later.
In his youth, at a district convention, he was one of those youngsters that was admonished to come up front by the stage and get his personal copy of the brand new release of "Children" published by WT.
He and his father and uncle were rich farmers. They donated the land so a KHall could be built in their town. For decades they were the pillars in their area. In the ministry, giving talks, taking each their own car out in their vast territory to pick up older JW's so they could make the meetings or field service, in all types of weather.
By the time this fine old gentleman by anyones standards died, he was all alone except for his worldly brothers daughter and her family. The Society closed down the local Hall and started a new one quite a distance away. His eye sight was poor and so he stayed home and forgotten. All the old-timers, who had been preaching Millions Now Living Will Never die, had all ready died. He was the only witness left in town.
That Childrens book had totally wrecked that man's life. That publishing house, WT, caused so much intentional harm. Don't fall into temptation and get married. If you were burning with desire, and past the age of the bloom of youth, if you do get married, do not have children. That is selfish. You must put the Kingdon first...
He was kind to my family and I am sure wanted to get married, as he looked at my chest when he could steal a glance, but he said when he got that book, he promised god that he would do His will. So he never had a family. Never got married. Died alone and forgotten.
When I had found out a number of months later that our old dear friend had died. I called his niece. Her husband answered. He had had a stroke. They were getting an auction ready to auction off all his personal property and the vast lands he owned. I hadn't the heart to ask if WT was a beneficiary. I hope not.