JW's are a peculiar bunch. Certain things are characteristic of the Witnesses. JW's are known for some weird, unconventional things. Can you think of some examples of eccentricities that Witnesses have?
Idiosyncrasies Of Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
Do you mean pecularities that they brought with them into the organization or pecularities that they developed after coming in, min, or both?
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
To the dubs, all of their actions and beliefs are justifiable, irrespective of the consequences.
cheeses - who gets pissed off by people who cannot accept responsiblity for their actions.
I think here is a high % of jws that sell stuff(from amway to vitamins). They seem to be into alternative medicine more than the average, and generally disrespectful to the government.(easily they believe a lot of conspiricy theorys') they are more fascinated with the occult than the average person.
Blondie, I'm thinking of peculiarities that JW's have because they are JW's.....What type of things were you thinking of that they might have brought in with them?..........Wednesday, They like to blame the demons for everything.
Room 215
Wednesday, I think you hit the nail on the head. There seems to be a disproportionate number of hypochondriacs and food faddists among JWs, not to mention devotees of alternative medicine. I think this latter is a vestiage of the Rutherford days/Woodworth days of the 30s with their crackpot notions and anti-AMA bias. It recalls to mind my experience at Bethel in the sixites, whenI was sent up to do work on Knorr's apartment, and saw on his bedstand a book on Laetrile treatment for cancer--well before it became generally known that he was afflicted with the illness which eventually killed him.
It also seems to me that it's a rare Circuit Overseer's wife that doesn't have a list of exotic allergies, ailments, long lists of food restrictions, etc., etc.
Eventhough they do not believe in predestination they search a reason behind anything that happens. If it is bad it is Satan trying to divert them. If it is good it is Jehovah maneuvering things. Nothing 'just happens'.
Also, they are xenophobes: anything new or unfamiliar (like science) is looked upon with suspicion and distrust.
Frannie Banannie
They are highly superstitious of buying or owning used or garage-sale items, like furniture, jewelry and clothing, believing them to have a great potential for being demonized....
Frannie B