Keep in mind that Satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well. Why? Because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if people . . . are discouraged from thinking critically.” (Media and Society in the Twentieth Century) So never be content passively or blindly to accept what you hear. (Prov. 14: 15) Use your God-given thinking abilities and power of reason to make the truth your own.—Prov. 2:10-15; Rom. 12:1, 2.
Page 30 (first paragraph): Your defense? Be determined to stick to Jehovah’s organization and loyally support the leadership he provides—no matter what imperfections may surface. (1 Thess. 5:12, 13) Do not be “quickly shaken from your reason” when faced with what appear to be damaging attacks by apostates or other such deceivers of the mind—however plausible their charges may seem.
Irony so thick you can't cut it...
But notice what they don't suggest: fact checking. They urge the reader to not just believe anything, yet turn around and urge the reader to not believe opposers, even if their information seems plausible. And the reason is obvious - they don't want the reader to fact check. Just take their word for it. Apostates bad... WTS good.