This happened with me for some company in France for some item in French and abbreviated so I had no idea what it was. I went to the credit union the card was issued from and they closed the account and issued me a new number right away. It pays to be viligant with regards to these monthly statements, doesn't it? Glad you caught it right away.
Did you cancel your cards and have replacements being sent to you?
I'd press charges if I were you for identity theft and such.
Yep, called and canceled them right away, then called Steve to warn him not to use his! I called one of the companies and asked for the information about the person who ordered the clothes and they said they could only release that to the bank or police. That prompted me to call the bank and I found out they don't go after the individual unless it's a very large amount. So if I don't file a police report, they can easily get away with theft. I'm calling in just a minute. It still bugs me that they won't give me the information about the thief since I am the one paying for the order. But they won't be hard to find. I imagine the cable and phone companies will gladly hand that info over to the police.
I'm now going to be extra cautious. Glad it's only costing me time and antacids.
I called one of the companies and asked for the information about the person who ordered the clothes and they said they could only release that to the bank or police.
This person is using your identity and your credit card to steal from you and their company and they won't give you that information? What kind of idiot company would want to help protect the identity of identity thieves?
I'd press charges if I were you for identity theft and such.
Screw that..............find out where she lives, slash her tires and then mix eggs and flour all over her car, wrap it in toilet paper and watch it set like concrete...............