Roflmao @ you all. bwahaaha
***goes flying head over tit on the aliminium foil**** geesh how long does it take to perfect this?
by Brummie 31 Replies latest jw friends
Roflmao @ you all. bwahaaha
***goes flying head over tit on the aliminium foil**** geesh how long does it take to perfect this?
Scoob, funny thing is, I just read your "shhhhh" comment and it was all so quiet and then the door alarms went off at work and things went chaotic, they are louder than the fire alarms. We couldnt find the code to switch them off and it was like after 1 am in the morning. Finally got them off at 1 45 and have been undoing the damage ever since.
That's what you get for scaring us!! It's that karma thing.
Wait...that's another thread.
oh and dang @ karma
Now Brummie, you went and gave me a big scare! It's a good thing ur so dang cute or I'd have to go and be all mad at you or something!
Awwwww....poor Brummie!!!...
He's gonna get a persecution complex!!!... And he's not even a dub!!!
Psssssst!.....I think it's all a plot!
<----Licks Nikita & Estee's toes.
Nikita what happened to your pretty photo avatar?
I think it's all a plot!
Dont encourage, my paranioa was never a healthy mix with my persecution complex.
Knowing cats its probably more like a plop versus a plot in the great cat box of life...*LOL*
District Overbeer
Plop plop
Fizz fizz
Oh what a relief it is
I won't miss Brummie.