Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-31-03 WT Study

by blondie 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie


    Reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ()

    WT article quotes are in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other WT publications are in dark blue



    "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, (as some people consider slowness) ... but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. --2 PETER 3:9. (NWT)

    The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.—2 PETER 3:9 (NLT)

    Introductory Comments

    Is the JW God giving people more time for everyone to repent? Does the WTS feel that the vast majority of people will survive Jehovah’s day? Do they expect to reach every person with the Kingdom message giving them a fair chance to respond?

    2/1/62 WT p 95-6 Questions from Readers

    What is the meaning of the following statement, recorded at Matthew 10:23: "You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives"?

    Accordingly, by means of his instructions to his twelve apostles Jesus was prophetically telling us today that his anointed disciples or the remnant of spiritual Israel would not complete the circuit of the entire inhabited earth with the preaching of the message of God’s established kingdom before the glorified heavenly King Jesus Christ would arrive as Jehovah’s executional officer in the battle of Armageddon. This means that Jehovah’s witnesses today, who now include hundreds of thousands of the "other sheep" or earthly companions of the spiritual remnant, will not be able to reach personally all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before the battle of Armageddon breaks out.

    8/15/97 WT p 14

    True, untouched territories still exist, and perhaps in Jehovah’s due time, a door of opportunity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Still, Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 10:23 are sobering: "You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives." While the good news will surely be announced throughout the earth, we will not in person reach all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before Jesus "arrives" as Executioner.

    In researching past comments on 2 Peter 3:9, I found these comments in a 1982 WT.

    4/1/82 WT p. 28 Survival or Destruction at the "Great Tribulation"

    Naturally, as dignified witnesses of our God Jehovah, we do not go around threatening people with destruction. We share Jehovah’s viewpoint on things. Of him, it is said that he is "patient," because "he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."

    Yet, later in the same article:

    While Jehovah has shown himself to be wonderfully "patient" because he "desires all to attain to repentance," he knows that not all humans will repent. That is why Jesus warned us to "be in fear of him that can destroy both soul [life] and body in Gehenna."

    I really don’t think the WTS proofreads for content.

    This article will be discussing the account of Abraham and Lot and his family in Sodom and Gomorrah (many issues here but I will just make note of some), Jonah and the Ninevites, and how the WTS thinks this applies to JWs today as they "preach" the good news.

    Questions for further thought/research:

    Why are those destroyed at Sodom and Gomorrah spoken of as not being resurrected by the WTS but those at Nineveh are even though they eventually returned to their bad ways?

    Did S&G commit the unforgivable sin but the Ninevites did not? What is the unforgivable sin according to the WTS?

    Are we talking about "judgment periods"—a space of time where a group of people are given to repent or die forever: pre-flood times, S&G, 33-70 CE and Israel, 1914—the end—execution during means no resurrection?

    Was the 40 years Jeremiah preached before "607 BCE" or the 37 years until 70 CE a judgment period? If so, why were not all the Israelites destroyed but many taken captive? The ones who died, are they without a resurrection hope?

    4/1/55 WT p. 199 Judgment Day—Just a Joke?

    How serious is a judgment period? Divine condemnation always results in everlasting destruction.

    6/1/52 WT p. 340

    That execution of judgment against nations and individuals will be just as final as were the executions at the end of the typical judgment periods of times past, such as the Noachian flood, the rain of fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, and the destruction wrought on natural Israel A.D. 70.

    6/1/52 WT p. 348 Fixing Destinies in This Judgment Period

    This baptism of fire was foreshadowed by an ancient one, when upon "Sodom it rained fire and sulfur from heaven and destroyed them all". Later Jehovah "burned up Jacob like a flaming fire" and "poured out his wrath like fire" and "kindled a fire in Zion", when in 607 B.C. he used Nebuchadnezzar to immerse Jerusalem and Judah in a fiery baptism because of their gross sins.


    God views humans as individuals with the potential of attaining to repentance.

    If that is true, why does the WTS put a disclaimer on the scripture above saying not every individual will be contacted?

    Like him, do we consider individuals of every race and nation to be potential "sheep of his pasturage"?

    Do most JWs see individuals who might listen behind the doors they approach or "goats" who will most likely die at Armageddon? Why not when the hear the following:

    11/15/99 WT p. 29 What Can Be Done About Discouragement?

    Having clearly in mind the goals set by Jesus will help us not to become discouraged in the face of indifference in the ministry. Christ wanted his disciples to search out deserving ones, not to perform mass conversions. On several occasions he pointed out that the vast majority would not accept the good news, just as most Israelites did not listen to the prophets of old

    2/1/96 WT p. 19

    But if we compare the number of disciples with earth’s 5.6 billion inhabitants, it is evident that as in Jesus’ day, the vast majority of mankind do not "get the sense of" the Kingdom.

    3/15/87 WT p. 22

    While it is true that the vast majority of people will not respond favorably, those who do so bring us much joy.

    Kingdom Ministry 1/01 p. 4

    Jesus said that during his presence, the vast majority would ‘take no note,’ just as in Noah’s day. (Matt. 24:37-39) It is expected, then, that many individuals will not listen to the Kingdom good news.

    In both cases, destruction was imminent, and Jehovah's servants were given advance knowledge of this fact.

    Shall we compare the few months it took Jonah to get to Nineveh and the day given S&G to the 124 years from 1879 to 2003 and onward?

    Abraham Had Jehovah's View

    Was the sin of Sodom lack of hospitality?

    Evidently that was more important than Lot’s daughters being gang raped.

    If homosexuality is wrong scripturally, why destroy one small group forever for it and allow others who died in another time to be resurrected?

    There was no written or verbal law against homosexuality?

    That there was no written law has been a reason to excuse Abraham for marrying his sister, to excuse Judah for having sex with a temple prostitute, to excuse polygamy in the case of Jacob.

    Where does it show that Lot or Abraham came as a prophet with a message from God and told the cities of S&G?

    Only 10 men needed to respond…that’s right women and children did not count.

    When Jehovah heard "the cry of complaint about Sodom and Gomorrah," he did not immediately destroy those cities and all their inhabitants. He first made an investigation.

    Now come on, here he is God Almighty, sees all things, and he has to check it out!?

    Not like the elders, who only see and hear what fits their pre-determined judgment.

    On the night of the angels' arrival, "the men of the city…surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob," desiring to have homosexual intercourse with the angels. Clearly, the debased condition of the city's inhabitants proved that it deserved to be destroyed.

    No women or children mentioned being in the mob yet they are destroyed too.

    "Son-in-law and your sons and your daughters and all who are yours in the city, bring out of the place!" Jehovah opened the way to save some residents of that city, but in the end, only Lot and his two daughters escaped destruction.

    Except for Lot, his wife, his 2 daughters, and their 2 fiancées, no one received a warning outside of the mob.

    Abraham progressively reduced the number until it reached only ten.

    Was Abraham thinking of all in S&G or only his relatives…do JWs today think that way?

    Would Jehovah have listened to Abraham's pleas if they were out of harmony with his own view? Obviously not. As 'Jehovah's friend," Abraham apparently knew and shared His viewpoint.

    Remember though that Abraham had contact with God without going through a faithful and discreet slave class.

    Jonah's View of People -A Stark Contrast

    The prophet Jonah was told to proclaim that the badness (evidently not homosexuality) of that city had 'come up before Jehovah.'

    "Only forty days more
    (how many days did S&G get?) , and Nineveh will be overthrown." At that, "the men of Nineveh began to put faith in God, and they proceeded to proclaim a fast and to put on sackcloth." Even the king of Nineveh repented.-Jonah 3:1-6.

    That was quite a contrast to the response in Sodom! How did Jehovah view the repentant Ninevites? Jonah 3:10 says: "The true God felt regret over the calamity that he had spoken of causing to them; and he did not cause it." Jehovah "felt regret" in the sense that he altered his dealings with the Ninevites because they changed their ways. The divine standards did not change, but Jehovah changed his decision upon seeing that the Ninevites were repentant.

    But were the Ninevites living in a judgment period? Would they have been destroyed forever if they had not listened? By comparing this situation with S&G, apples and oranges are being compared.

    When Jonah realized that Nineveh would not be destroyed, did he see things from Jehovah's viewpoint? No.

    "You, for your part, felt sorry for the bottle-gourd plant... And, for my part, ought I not to feel sorry for Nineveh the great city, in which there exist more than one hundred and twenty thou-sand men who do not at all know the difference between their right hand and their left, besides many domestic animals?"

    Jonah's response to God's statement about feeling sorry for the people of Nineveh is not recorded. Yet, it is evident that the prophet adjusted his view of the repentant Ninevites. We draw that conclusion from the fact that Jehovah used him to record this inspired account.

    And how many times does the WTS draw conclusions regarding things that are not recorded because it is "evident"? Is that adding to the Scriptures?

    Which Attitude Do You Have?

    How would Abraham view the people living in this world that is soon to be destroyed? He most likely would be concerned about those who have not yet heard the "good news of the kingdom (yes all 6 billion of them).

    Abraham repeatedly pleaded with God regarding possible righteous ones in Sodom. Are we personally concerned about people who would reject the ways of this world under Satan's control if given the opportunity
    to repent and serve God?

    Non-JWs are just a large, doomed faceless group to the JWs in the door to door work. And we already know that they know they don’t have to contact everyone to please God or is that the WTS and guarantee their personal salvation.

    It is proper to yearn for the end of wickedness (but not the wicked, right!) (Habakkuk 1:2, 3) Yet, it is so easy to develop a Jonah like attitude, being unconcerned about the welfare of people who might repent. (and whose fault is this?) This is especially true if we keep meeting individuals who are apathetic, antagonistic, or even belligerent when we call at their homes with the Kingdom message. We may lose sight of those Jehovah will yet gather out of this wicked system of things.Moreover; Jehovah will fulfill all his promises and purposes in his own time. Translation: after 124 years plus

    Another disclaimer: Until this wicked system of things is removed during the great day of Jehovah, will we be patiently waiting, busily involved in doing his will? We do not know the details about the extent of the preaching work yet to be accomplished before the arrival of Jehovah's day, but we do know that the good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth to God's satisfaction.

    Our View Made Evident by Our Actions

    Perhaps we live in a community where the preaching work is not well received and we are not in a position to move to where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers. Suppose ten can be found in our territory before the end comes. Do we feel that those ten are worth searching for?

    Think of this, if a JW had lost their car keys how hard would they look compared to those ten?

    By studying the Bible and carefully reading articles in The Watchtower and Awake!, we can gain greater insight into this world's plight. In turn, this can heighten our appreciation for the need to preach the good news. Moreover, appreciative use of the Bible-based material provided through "the faithful and discreet slave" can add to our persuasiveness in frequently worked territory.

    Notice that the Bible is not to be read carefully, only the WTS publications. And yes, push those publications in the territory. Leave that Bible in your book bag.

    Our concern for those who may yet respond to the life-giving Bible message moves us to consider various times and ways to approach householders in our ministry. Do we find that many are not at home when we call? If so, we may be able to increase the effectiveness of our ministry by varying the times and places of our witnessing activity. Fishermen go fishing when they can catch fish. Can we do something similar in our spiritual fishing work?

    Yes, even the WTS is getting the drift that the rank and file aren’t trying very hard. Why should they? Whether they bring in one, two or none, they will have everlasting life in paradise.

    Why not try evening witnessing and telephone witnessing, where that is legal? Some have found that parking lots, truck stops, gas stations, and stores are productive 'fishing grounds.'

    Can you imagine suggesting the above? You’d get laughed out of the KH. I knew one brother who tried to get evening witnessing off the ground. Week after week no one showed up, including elders and pioneers.

    Millions (billions is more accurate) have not yet heard the Kingdom message.

    Vomit alert************

    In addition to our preaching, can we show concern for such people even without leaving home? Well, do we know missionaries or full-time ministers who are serving abroad? If so, we might well write them letters that show our appreciation for their work. How could that show concern for people in general? Our letters of encouragement and commendation could strengthen the missionaries to stay in their assignment, thus helping many more people to come to a knowledge of the truth.

    But more importantly, send in the cash to the WTS, another way to show concern without leaving home.

    Another way to show concern is by making monetary donations to the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Would You Be Able to Move?

    Those who have moved to places where the need for Kingdom proclaimers is greater have been blessed for their self-sacrificing efforts.

    This implies that the ones who stay are not self-sacrificing.

    While remaining in their own homeland, however, other Witnesses of Jehovah have learned another language so as to be of spiritual help to immigrants.For example, seven Witnesses helping Chinese people in a city in Texas, U.S.A., welcomed 114 individuals to the observance of the Lord's Evening Meal in 2001.

    This must be a best case scenario. I know of some who live in a larger city with a large Asian and Hispanic population. Yet there is no Asian congregation (only 2 baptized in the last 15 years) and only 1 congregation where statistics say there should be 3 (per the CO).

    Perhaps you and your family feel that you are in a position to move to a place where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater.

    And where is that? Mostly in countries where the work is proscribed: China, Muslim countries. Most places don’t need preachers but need "qualified" men to take on the administrative duties outlined by the WTS for congregations. Single sisters are not desired…only single brothers, Ministerial Training School, e.g.

    'Would I be able to support my family? Can I get an appropriate visa? Do I already speak the language of the country, or am I willing to learn it? Have I thought about the climate and the culture? Could I really be "a strengthening aid" and not a burden to fellow believers in that land?'

    Yes, don’t expect the "WTS" to take care of you. I know of a family that moved to a foreign clime and one child contract a disease that left them permanently disabled. Did the WTS reach out the hand of Christian kindness? What do you think?

    One Christian who has been involved in the construction of Kingdom Halls in Japan learned that there was a need for skilled workers to build a place of worship in Paraguay. Being single and having youthful vigor, he moved to that country and worked for eight months as the sole full-time worker on the project. During his stay, he learned Spanish and conducted home Bible studies . He could see the need for Kingdom proclaimers in the country. Although he returned to Japan, he soon went back to Paraguay and helped to gather people into that very Kingdom Hall. (I’m willing to bet he met a beautiful senorita that proved to be the real attraction.)

    God will see to it that the preaching work is carried out fully, in harmony with his will. Today, he is speeding up the final spiritual harvest.
    (Isaiah 60:22) As we await Jehovah's day, then, let us zealously share in the harvest work and view people as our loving God views them.

    Are you doing your zealous share? Do you see the work speeding up?

    Concluding Comments

    So the WTS is chastising the publishers for not being willing to put forth the same effort to look for the deserving compared to their car keys.

    9/15/94 WT p. 18

    To ‘search out deserving ones,’ we need to persevere and to view matters positively. (Matthew 10:11) For example, if we were to misplace our keys, we might retrace our steps and search in the various places where we had been. We might find them only after doing this repeatedly. Let us similarly persevere in searching out sheeplike ones.

    My illustration: If you threw a million dollar diamond into a pile of manure how hard would you look?

    Look for the fish where and WHEN they can be found.

    Fishermen go fishing when they can catch fish. Can we do something similar in our spiritual fishing work?

    But WHY when salvation does not depend on how many or if a fish is even caught.

    A fisher of fish knows every day that their food and livelihood depends on finding fish. Do JWs?

    Next week is an introductory article on the importance of being truthful. Now I wonder why that topic is coming up?


  • Gopher

    Yes, how do JW's view people?

    They're worldly. They're disgusting and have filthy habits.They won't encourage you to "serve Jehovah". You can try talking to them, but they probably won't listen anyway. They already have their paradise.

    Blah, blah, blah. The above attitudes imbue the WT Society literature -- telling the JW's to steer clear of everybody else unless you are creating a "witnessing opportunity".

    So along comes this article, under the guise of "caring for people". And what is the bottom line message? DO MORE DO MORE DO MORE.

    Jehovah is speeding it up, but it's not going fast enough. Haven't you heard these hundred ways to expand your preaching literature-pushing? Well just in case you forgot, here are those ways again.

    Yes forward you witnesses! Keep telling people the end is near. Keep trying to convince people that you're normal, adjusted and really happy. See how many people buy it.

  • Blueblades

    Hi Blondie! I read your comments early this morning while having my breakfast.I know I tell you this each time that I read your comments,you open my eyes and cause me to really see these articles for what they are not saying.Your research and proof support you use is 'par excellence'.

    So, do more,locally,internationally,support yourself while doing this and if you can't do more or travel where the need is great,( areas such as China,Korea,India,Pakistan etc.) give us your money to show that you support the world wide work.

    And don't worry about how long Jehovah's patience is,one day,one month,33 days 70 c.e.124 yrs.etc.because "JEHOVAH'S DAY"is coming "SOON!"

    And maybe Jehovah will show regret and not destroy billions of men women and children.Not to worry just keep on doing more and keep those $$$$$$$$$$ donations coming.

    And if it takes a hot senorita to get your attention by all means go for it,build those kingdom halls while you keep an eye on that hot senorita! Show her how you care for her and view her just like the WT.says.

    Same for the sisters,when you see that special so and so in the regional work sign up for that project show that you care for people ,( what is the real motive behind some of the ones who work on these so - called special project )I know some intentions are good,as was mine when I did more on these projects,yet,iI do know of some hanky panky opportunities that went on.

    .Sorry for getting off topic Blondie, it must be the coffee,I hope you and your husband are doing ok with the health situation.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Thanks Blondie; and Gopher's comments are right on..... frist pound away relentlessly, meeting after meeting, year after year, from the platform that ``out there in the world" it's a monolith of greed, debauchery and corruption, in which Albert Schweitzer and Mother Teresa might just as well have been Uncle Joe Stalin or What's-His-Name, the Paperhanger from Vienna as far as their chances of redemption are concerned, and then urge the dubbies to ``show loving concern for their neighbors!"

    Blondie, you made reference to next week's study on honesty, and I noticed that there's no reference to ``theocratic war strategy." Do you see any significance to this omission? My gut feeling is that they're going underground with that concept and keeping it out of print in any publication intended for public consumption.

  • yxl1
    Like him, do we consider individuals of every race and nation to be potential "sheep of his pasturage"?

    No, they consider them as “Corpses” according to this years District assembly

    When Jehovah heard "the cry of complaint about Sodom and Gomorrah," he did not immediately destroy those cities and all their inhabitants. He first made an investigation.

    I wonder if Jehovahs investigation is similar to the Elders investigation. Can you imagine Jehovah hiding behind a hedge watching with binoculars while making notes?

    God's statement about feeling sorry for the people of Nineveh is not recorded. Yet, it is evident that the prophet adjusted his view of the repentant Ninevites.

    Sheesh! Why not go ahead and just re-write the bible…Oh yeah, they’ve done that already

    Another way to show concern is by making monetary donations to the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    What worldwide work? The 2001 yearbook states that $70 million dollars were used to further the “worldwide work”. I’d like to know what they’ve done with the other $930 million dollars they “earnt” that year. Want to know what some of the “monetary donations” are used for? Check out

    we may be able to increase the effectiveness of our ministry by varying the times and places of our witnessing activity

    Nice to see they’re promoting evening witnessing now that the winter months are soon upon us. As I recall, it wasn’t uncommon for sisters to go door-to-door on their own during the dark winter months. I raised this issue with my book study overseer. He said that there had been no cases of JW’s being attacked while on the service which “proves that Jehovah is protecting them”. Funny how they use the same reasoning to prove that they are on Jehovahs side WHEN they get attacked.

    I imagine most will feel a twinge of guilt and go on the service directly after sitting through this crap. It wont last long though. Idiots.

  • JCanon

    Hi Blondie...nice commentary. It's strange commenting on the WTS' doctrines now since they are sooooo totally in the dark now...put there by their negligence at this time. The WTS GB is the "Rich Man" who is so busy building new storehouses (new one-day kingdom halls) for the numbers they have neglected the spirtual things and thus someone is demanding their very life. This is the "evil slave" who is cast into the darkness. Anyway, here are my brief comments of what I think the scriptures teach and these should be weighed in the light of your questions rather than what the WTS teaches, which is out of date or incorrect.

    4/1/55 WT p. 199 Judgment Day—Just a Joke?

    How serious is a judgment period? Divine condemnation always results in everlasting destruction.

    Judgment Day is the period of time specifically from the time after Satan is destroyed until the beginning of the "new heavens and new earth", which signals the beginning of the 8th creative day after the sabbath of a 1000 years. I know the WTS places Judgment Day and the second resurrection during the 1000 years, but the Bible does not present it that way. First comes the first resurrection, then the millennium, then "the rest of the dead do not come to life until after the 1000 years have ended". That is, they are not judged until after the thousand years have ended in order to get life.

    The order of judgment during Judgment Day is first of those who survive the millennium and Satan's test. These are called the "dead, the great and the small". Then, after they have gone to the trees of life the general resurrection (the second) begins! And this addresses the issue of those in Sodom and Gomorrah.

    At this resurrection, just as the Bible says, there is a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous and the righteous get life and the unrighteous get death in the lake of fire. But since this is their second death the lake of fire is also called the "second death." Now whether you think all those at Sodom and Gomorrhah along with those from Jesus' day will end up experiencing Gehenna, how can they have a "second death" until they come back? So the bottom line is THEY ALL COME BACK! Everybody. That's what Judgment Day is for. To judge both the righteous and the wicked.

    Further, as the Bible describes,what will happen with everybody having come back is they will compare notes! For instance, the appreciation of the Queen of Sheba for Solomon's wisdom will stand out against those in Jesus' day who had everything and understood everything but still rejected Jesus. Thus she will be favored in the resurrection. But even those at Sodom and Gomorrah who come back will "fair better" than those in Jesus' day during Judgment Day when they are resurrected. Why? Because circumstances of that situation may allow for some exceptions, compared to those in Jesus' day who understood more. This suggests that some individuals on a case-by-case basis who might have been killed at Sodom and Gomorrah could be granted life.

    But because the WTS does not understand Judgment Day or how the first and second resurrections work, they are confused. I guess they think if someone is already condemned, why bring them back simply to be condemned again? Hello? Ever hear of the SECOND DEATH? That's the fundamental reference to the second death. If you're wicked. You come back. You see what the righteous get for their suffering under their hands (one acre and a mule plus their choice of a new Ford wagon or Kia SUV..)...then they are thrown into the lake of fire for the second death.

    That's one thing I like about Judgment Day, too. One might ask why bring them back? But there are so many academically arrogant people who died thinking they got away with everything or thinking there was no God they had to account to, etc. They may have led a grand life of wealth ripping off others. So they died laughing. This way, they get to come back. Find out the REAL story. See what their choice in life got them. Then know before their final death that they blew it!

    Which, finally, addresses yet another misconception that overshadows what the Bible says regarding the second resurrection. And that is the notion that everybody must come back in the second resurrection to they can have a chance to be properly witnessed to. But in fact, the Bible says "books would be opened" and the dead are judged on the things they did already during their lives. So it's no coming back to be witnessed to as they say.

    Right now, technically what the witnesses teach is if you are not a witness and die "before Armageddeon", then you automatically will come back and then have a chance to be witnessed to thoroughly under Christ's rule and then if you rebel you die. So basically that says, do anything you want during this life since you're getting a second chance anyway. Just make sure you die before Armageddon. Does that make sense? Yet for the scriptures that suggest things they did in their former life will condemn them the witnesses say perhaps their "patterns of behavior" or something may be too hard to overcome or something and that will affect them? Still this ignores the Bible simply stating they will be judged based upon what is written in the books, and books not written during the millennium, things they did during their lives when they get resurrected.

    So, maybe the majority of those persons from Sodom and Gomorrah who knew fully what they were doing will undergo the second death, but they will be resurrected, right along with those from Jesus' day who have already been condemned to Gehenna who are specifically said to come back during "Judgment Day".

    Also, Judgment Day AFTER the millennium makes more sense since the millennium reign of Christ is a very special time and "sabbath". The wicked and already condemned will not be resurrected during this time. What they did during their original first life is what they will be judged on.

    Thanks, again, for your review of these issues.


  • blondie

    Gopher, I believe you have the litany down pat.

    They're worldly. They're disgusting and have filthy habits.They won't encourage you to "serve Jehovah". You can try talking to them, but they probably won't listen anyway. They already have their paradise.

    Doesn't engender much compassion for those lost in the world, does it?

    Blueblades, I think you and Gopher can sing a duet in harmony.

    And maybe Jehovah will show regret and not destroy billions of men women and children.Not to worry just keep on doing more and keep those $$$$$$$$$$ donations coming.

    Well, Room 215, I think the omission is that the WTS will be concentrating on the lies being told by apostates and the media. After all the WTS wouldn't lie (not much anyway).

    Blondie, you made reference to next week's study on honesty, and I noticed that there's no reference to ``theocratic war strategy." Do you see any significance to this omission?


    Especially good comments this week.

    Nice to see they’re promoting evening witnessing now that the winter months are soon upon us. As I recall, it wasn’t uncommon for sisters to go door-to-door on their own during the dark winter months. I raised this issue with my book study overseer. He said that there had been no cases of JW’s being attacked while on the service which "proves that Jehovah is protecting them". Funny how they use the same reasoning to prove that they are on Jehovahs side WHEN they get attacked.

    I can remember an experience where a regular pioneer brother was knifed to death by the householder. This man served time in jail and when released he had by then become a JW and put in 200 hours a month to make up for the time the man killed would have put in.

    Thanks, JCanon, for giving us another viewpoint of what a judgment day is. I usually just stick to what the WTS has taught or says they have taught in the past. I was surprised that they considered the period between 33 and 70 CE a judgment period in that everyone dying would not receive a resurrection. Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans but 97,000 Jews did not die at that time but were taken into slavery. Not exactly an exact analogy with the Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, and the period between 1918 and whenever Armageddon comes when all the bad people will be destroyed.

    Well, I am humbled at the deep thoughts all of you have shared. Nothing like my days at the Kingdumb Hall.


  • OHappyDay

    Our congregation has evening witnessing. It is used primarily by the young pioneers to date one another. It bothers me to call on someone who has just had a busy day at work, a hard or harried commute home, family responsibilities to care for when they get home, and expect them to listen to something they have already rejected many times before.

    I think the problem is not that we call at the wrong time. Whenever we call, the majority are not interested. They are satisfied with what they have.

    If we are really lovingly concerned with individuals, why not respect their right to be left alone? We demand religious freedom for ourselves, why is it so hard to extend the same to others?

    Oh, I forgot...we have the "truth" and they do not. But it is a "truth" that is always changing and being corrected...

  • wannaexit


    I love you. Keep those commentaries coming they are great!


    You really summed the whole Jw life in a nutshell. I could not help but smile as I read, knowing that is exactly how it is in Jw world.

  • blondie
    We demand religious freedom for ourselves, why is it so hard to extend the same to others?

    OHD, it makes me remember a sister who was complaining about the Mormons who had come to her door. She sent them on their way telling them, "We have our own religion here and we’re happy with it." I roared with laughter at the irony of it. She didn’t see it. I have heard JWs use the use "I’m busy" and "we’re not interested" when called on at home by another religion.

    I just don’t want to be trapping, tricking, or fooling anyone into being a JW any more whether in the am or the pm.

    Thanks, wannaexit.

    We’ren’t the comments by the others especially great today?


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