...who ended up staying because her or his thinking had been changed by reading the posts here?
Has there ever been any who came here to snoop/snipe/whatever...
by berylblue 36 Replies latest jw friends
me for one -- just used to snoop -- now I post -- already had eyes opened to a degree after reading COC -but I satyed here
Hi Rose
I came here under the a different name telling everybody to wake up ! And see that it was really God's org, I am ashamed to say. It was a big long post, I was trying to explain everything and stick up for the borg every way that I can.
So sad.
Hope you are ok now, hun.
I would just love to read those posts Hamas! What handle did you have at that time?
I lurked for a year. Some of it scared me; the vehemence of some toward each other on here. But when the child abuse issue broke, I posted.
way back in 96 whne i forst got my computer, i found an xjw board that had "monmmie dark" on it. I posted a coupled times. i was so depressed. Then i left. i foud them scary. i found this board via Silent lambs Sept 1 02 and have been posting from since then.
Yes, most of us are, some of the time. Some of us are, most of the time. (What, no animated laughing emoticon?)
Ex-JWs are just a slice of that composite called "humanity," which strictly speaking is a space with fractal dimension greater than 42, so I think it's actualy HUMANITY that's scary - overwheming to contemplate, much ess to interact with. But most of us try.
I need a new keyboard. It is not that I can't spell, but my best efforts sometimes aren't good enough. And sadly, I don't take the time to proofread as closely as I should, and go back and pound the LLLLLs in where my keystrokes of more modest force faied to do the trick. (See what I mean?)
Here is my old post, under 'notoriousmadman' handle.
And more fool me
Think about It y'all !!!
If Jehovahs Witnesses were a money grabbing organisation , why would their 'rules' be so strict ? It makes no sense
People will say they are relaxing their rules in desperate attempts to save people falling away , like all this on blood transfusions...
but the biggest reason why people fall away as y'all know is immorality ..
Now think people ... If the governing body were so wise and scheming at getting money from people , they would suss out that they are losing money when these people fall away from the organisation due to Immorality . All they have to do to stop the rot is to relax their stance on Immorality and reprove more people and the numbers would not be reclining . The GB holds not 'their laws ' , but GODS LAWS from his word the bible , and the reason why they dont relax their stance on Immorality is because they dont go against what Jehovah has to say.Think people !! And all this about what the Watchtower has said In the past ?? The bible says the light gets brighter.. of course not everything the watchtower will say will be correct , they dont claim to know everything.
And If they are making so much money because they are on a con-trip , when did this con trip start ? When Russell or Rutherford were number one ? Maybe , but they knew they couldnt take the money with them..
So who can ?And with sick Peodo child molesters in the congregations ? You get nutters everywhere people .. the minute these guys do things like this , they are not witnessess ... a murderer aint a murderer before he murdered , he became one when he killed.
Hamas.....you are such a dear one.
How long ago did you post that?