>>>>I'm not going to buy into your theory that white people and racism is to blame whenever a black person gets passed over for a job promotion or whatever. -- Prisca
Show me where that's ever been my theory. Please. Take your time, but I wanna see it.
Does any one remember when the cong's were segregated in the South?
by Victorian sky 61 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well, just what is your point in all this, Teejay? You keep bringing up examples of how people could be prejudiced against blacks. So what? Everyone knows racism exists, even black people are racist (shock horror).
So if you can tell me what the point in your arguing about racism (implied or not) that would be most appreciated.
A while back, I asked you (at least twice) whether or not white people in the real world could have a similar mindset shown by white elders who -- according to JT -- mistreated blacks only because of their race. You said (and we agreed) that, "Yes, racism exists in some people."
From either my question or your answer you were able to extrapolate the somewhat bizarre notion that it was my "theory that white people and racism is to blame whenever a black person gets passed over for a job promotion or whatever." You dug yourself in deeper when you said that, "using the race card is a cop-out" (something I've never done); and, making matters even worse (if that were even thinkable) alleged that my "own racist programming" causes me to "automatically assume the worst."
All, apparently, from your answer to a basic question.
Unable to ignore the botched thinking and false allegations you were putting forth, I asked you to prove what you said about me -- that my "theory" was what you claimed it was. You have not made even a small attempt to support your claim (and I know why). Are you able to?
If you can't (and I know you can't because what you said about me is, at best, without foundation) then fine, but at least be honest and forthright enough to admit that you have made false, unproven, and unprovable allegations. Provide proof of your allegation or make an admission of error (let's say), and then I will tell you what my point is.
Fair enough? -
Nope, sorry, TJ, I'm not interested in playing games with you. I'm not interested in a debate with you, I asked you a simple question and you refuse to answer it without trying to get me to play your little he-said-she-said games.
Again, I will ask you, what is the point you have been trying to make in these threads about blacks and whites?
If you're not interested in answering my question, I can live with that. Quite frankly, it's not going to affect my life one iota because I am currently trying to get over a throat infection, and I don't have the luxury of a long weekend in which to waste time in endless debates like you do.
Peace to you my bro.
Nope, sorry, TJ, I'm not interested in playing games with you. I'm not interested in a debate with you, I asked you a simple question and you refuse to answer it without trying to get me to play your little he-said-she-said games.
Like you, I can live with your non-answer. And for the record: this wasn't a he-said-she-said game. I only wanted you to back up a falsehood that YOU had made. You couldn't, and I knew you couldn't. The record speaks for itself. -
They're not falsehoods TJ, they're observations I've made from your comments and the way in which you've commented in the black/white threads. If you don't like it, then too bad. I'm not interested in C&P games.
For one, the black manager's actions would be under review by someone higher up, and that person is likely to be white. Secondly, studies have shown that when it comes to doing business -- everything being equal -- due to their life-long programming blacks are just like whites and tend to do and WANT to do business with white people because they consider whites more competent and trustworthy.
Sad, but true. Media imagery is effective even when it goes against one's own best interests.Yes, I have seen this time and time again. Sad that some have bought into the racist media propaganda.
What I'm about to say has nothing to do with this topic, but as you and I are the only ones here anyway...
There is nothing wrong with making observations, but if they are to be credible, rooted in truth, and worthy of serious consideration by honest people, then they must be based on fact. At the end of this thread, you made "observation" after "observation" that had no basis in reality. Over the past year or more, you've done that more than once with several other posters, some of who no longer post here. You are wrong to do so and I thought it fair to challenge you on it.
When asked to provide any support at all for your "observations," your only defense is to say that you're "not interested in playing games"; that you're "not interested in a debate," likening my request for proof to a "he-said-she-said game"; now, that you have no time for "C&P games." It is quite reminiscent of a poster who, after participating in a thread for several pages and showing himself to be either uninformed or totally biased, finally said that, "well, I really wasn't interested in this discussion anyway." Not exactly an intelligent rebuttal to challenges made in a serious discussion, wouldn't you agree? Either participate intelligently in discussions you have an interest in, or do the smart thing and avoid those discussions, right?
When the Society is challenged to back up it's own words, it is not a meaningless he-said-she-said / C&P debate but a serious matter that cuts to the heart of the Society's honorable position, or lack thereof. When they take a reputable author's words out of context to make a point that is totally counter to what the author actually said, ex-JWs point to the error and rightly say that the Society is guilty of dishonesty. I asked you, in a thread of only three pages, to go back here and find support for your claims about me. Not only were you either unwilling or unable to do so, but you are equally unwilling to do the right thing by making a retraction, owning up to YOUR misunderstanding / misstatement. Instead, all of a sudden you "don't have time."
As I say... of your behavior the record speaks for itself. But if the record said about me what it says about you, I assure you that I would have a serious interest in doing what I could to clean it up. -
I am currently trying to get over a throat infection, and I don't have the luxury of a long weekend in which to waste time in endless debates like you do.
Your lack of compassion or acknowledgement of my circumstances only enforce my opinion that you are only interested in debating for the sake of debating.
It is 3.30am and I have to go to work tomorrow. I have a raging sore throat, my body aches and I can't get rid of this bronchial cough or runny nose. And you think I really care about debating with you or answering your inane questions?
I've asked you a simple question that you refuse to answer, so what makes you think I am going to answer any of yours?
note to Victorian Sky - my apologies for this hijacking of your thread, I will not discuss anything on this thread with teejay any further.
Victorian sky
Well I've been gone a couple of days and look what happens. I'm not into name calling but here we go, Canon you're ignorance doesn't warrant a response. TJ - your responses were spoken like a true Russelite, do you believe if I pray really hard my skin will turn white too? Canon's just a little off, what's your excuse? JT - I can't say if you exaggerated or not but I do believe certain things you said about black brothers not advancing at the rate of white ones. I have a relative who is a p.o and sub c.o, he's black and let me tell you he worked for years to get where less qualified white brothers got. And TJ before you say he wasn't qualified or educated (which I know some white and black JWs aren't) he met the JW qualifications for reaching out and he holds a Masters degree. He has a well paid position yet a white bro still asked him 'how do you afford a beamer on a janitors salary?' My relative never said what he did for a living, this bro just assumed it. Now I'm not quick to say this is racism or that. Most JWs I know aren't prejudiced. Personally I've never come across it, except when my friend got into an interracial relationship, some in the cong weren't too happy and that happened in 2001! I do believe that more JWs regardless of color need to get educated, It made me cringe to hear words mis-pronounced from the platform and that came from both races. Frankly, I think it's a cop out to say that the reason more black bros weren't used was because they weren't qualified. That's bull. Some white ones aren't qualified spiritually or intellectually yet they are still appointed. JT has a point that it took so long for a black bro to be part of the GB. Can't tell me one didn't qualify worldwide. This thread wasn't started to divide, I just think it's interesting that the WTS is so selective in what they will defy the government for. - V Sky