First I want to say that I don't know very much about the Muslims, and what I am going to say is not attacking anyone, but instead, it was something that was said to me by a Muslim man a few years back.
Back in 2004 my husband and I found ourselves in a homeless situation. His job had ended because the plant that he was working at, had shut down, and was sent off to China. At the time our two sons were still very young, so we ended up staying at a couple of different homeless shelters until my husband could find another job, which took a total of three months before he found a new job, in a new state. At this point in time, we had been out of the JW organization for three years.
The second place we stayed in was the Salvation Army Shelter, where my husband and I met a man who also came there. His situation was he was on his way back to the country he was going to be living at. There were some legal issues he was dealing with and had to stay in the States until a certain date, then he could leave. He was not born as a Muslim but had converted a few years prior. My husband is a very sociable person, it doesn't matter what your background is; if he like you, then you have a new friend. He was like that even when he was a JW, although being a JW was never important to him. His parents became JWs because they fell for the 1975 lie. I'm not even sure why he ever got baptized, maybe peer-pressure.
As we got to know this man, he told us both his Muslim name and his "Christian" name. His Muslim name was just too hard for me to pronounce, so we asked if we could call him by his original name, which was fine with him. The original name that he had once gone by was Terry. We found we had common ground when he learned where we had come from before, and it was the same college town that he had attended the university for four years. His interest really popped up when he learned that we (my husband and I) were former Jehovah's Witnesses. He had actually studied with the JWs and came very close to converting to the JWs, but instead, he decided to become a Muslim. He said when he did that and informed his family, they had all disowned him. He said his family hates the Muslims with a passion and when he converted that was the last time he and they spoke, with a few not to kind of words thrown at him. Still even more common ground that we were standing on.
The thing my husband picked up on was how badly he was being treated at this shelter, was beyond reprehensible. For any who don't already know, but one thing Muslims don't eat or touch is pork. At this shelter, those people would purposely put pork in everything, even dishes that don't call for it. Their food was horrible as it was anyways. So what we would do, were take him to other places so he could eat a meal without it being contaminated. If we had the money we would pay for his meals.
This went on for about a month and a half, and it was about time for us to go our separate ways, he to his new home, and us to ours. It was so exciting to know I was getting ready to be back into my own home. :) On the next to last day, we were together at that shelter, I had to take him to a few places, mainly to get his bus ticket out of there, and a couple of other places. During the course of the day, we stopped at a place to eat, and that was where we had this conversation. My husband was working, and we needed to also kill some time before it was time to pick him up from his job.
While eating we both got to talking and had quite a bit of discussion about religion, Christianity, Muslims, and the JWs. It all started with him quoting the scripture that talks about not eating with an unbeliever or something like that. I can't recall exactly what it says. But I remember telling him that I was in a point in my life that I don't hold a person's faith against them. To me what is important is people and that the problem with things is because of religion, and how it divides people, makes people hate each other simply because someone chooses a different faith than the other. This he fully understood, because of his own family experience. Finally, after talking for a while, we got on to the subject of the JWs, and how he came very close to becoming one. But one thing he was also doing was while studying with the witnesses he was also studying with the Muslims as well. I forgot what he told me, but he did tell me what was the deciding factor on him choosing the Muslims instead. Then he said something to me, and I don't think I will ever forget his words as long as I live, now mind you, these are not my words, but what he said.
"When we (talking about the Muslims) take over the world, the Jehovah's Witnesses will be very easy to convert over, because there are only two things that separate us." Don't remember the first part, but the second part he said, "Their Jehovah, and our Allah is the same being." He said they have more in common than most people realize.