Valis? Viv? All you other "overbeers"? How can I be one?
Just what is a "District Overbeer?"
by logansrun 51 Replies latest jw friends
Do you have to be a Circuit Overbeer before being a District Overbeer?
Because you asked this question, you are immediately and forever disqualified from ever being considered for this rare privilege.
Greetings Overbeer is one who tends to the "spiritual" needs of the flock when we gather and also a faithless and indiscrete servant to beer. An Overbeer must always sing the praises of beer, swear to never run out of cold beer, and make an effort to attend Apostafests whenever possible. Usually the appointment comes via a recommendation from flock members, or guidance from the holy spirits.... Louisiana huh? There are already 2 Overbeers in Louisiana, but they are near the Texas border, and seeing that its Louisiana I know full well ya'll could use all the spiritual guidance you can get!!! hrmm....One could be a Circuit Overbeer, but these positions are usually filled by those members of the bongregation who are willing to take up the mantle and carry on when the DO is unavailable or she/he is administering to the needs of the flock out of town.. as well, all Overbeers and Winesterial servants are equal and can see to the flock of another DO without stepping on anyone's toes, or heaven forbid, you spill their beer! Hmmm...I'll consult I mean Pinching To Get The Flock's Attention book and get back to you....
District Overbeer
Can you make room in your life to reach out for the office of overbeer?
Are you a moderate drinker, but have the capacity to drink more? Can you use your talents to influence others to drink?
You may have what it takes to be an overbeer. I suggest that you read the counsel from our head district overbeer. Pull up all of his posts and meditate on them. Look up the references. And, most of all, be diligent in servicing your thirst for righteousness.
I have also heard that well-placed contributions don't hurt, either.
run dont walk
Is there a governing overbeer ???
How about an annoited overbeer ???
hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Runningman....what's that song? "Come drink life's beer for free!..."
run don't one in charge..annointed? yes I would hope they anoint themselves with beer on a regular basis..*LOL*
District Overbeer
Hey, you know I'm actually in Chicago, Illinois. The Luisiana thing is an error I've been meaning to correct. I'd like to say I'm the most prominant apostate in Chicagoland but, alas, Amazing lives nearby. Maybe, with more effort and "spirits" (hehe) I can reach out for Overbeer! Just wanted to let you brother know I'm available. Here I am. Inebriate me!
I see.. Well, never let it be said I of all people would stand in the way of a man's destiny! *LOL* You know when I started using the signature DO, it was my jab at the JWs terrible arrangement, and I never thought anyone else would pick up on it...*LOL* It warms my heart theat the good news of the kegdom is being spread thoughout the world..
"And lo it came to pass, that when Overbeers where appointed round the world, Barmageddon would commence. A heavenly host of hosts n' hostesses would reign over the flock and spiritual food would flow like fresh brew from a newly tapped keg. Drink, rejoice and fail not to heed the sage advice set forth in Jeremiah 25:27. Amen.! Book of St. Valis 1:69
There ya go logansrun I would expect you to take your Overbeerial duties seriously and do not forsake the gathering together of beer bottles in your quest to serve the needs of the flock with the many blessings of spiritual food.... I'm sure Overbeers Brother Beans, Sister Vivamus, Brother Wild Turkey, Brother jst2laws, Sister peaceloveandharmony, Brother iiz2cool, among others will be glad to offer good advice and loving/pinching guidance as needed..eheh This also means its your turn to post a new Kegdom Ministry...We have been sorely lacking the latest KM and I'm sure Chicago has many fine blessings to share with the bongregation. Have a good evening and a woot! woot! for logansrun!...
District Overbeer
Thank you brother Valis!
"Amen. Come Lord Guiness!"
Chicago District Overbeer