JW's CAN'T do this. They CAN'T do that. Restrictions abound. JW's always have to be on the lookout for Satan, his demons and their "crafty acts". If Witnesses don't go to all the meetings on a regular basis and service every week, they are regarded by the "faithful" as being "weak". If a JW has any question about the organization, it is known as a "doubt". Of course, "doubters" are "like a wave of the sea, indecisive. Let not that man suppose he will recieve ANYTHING from Jehovah"...... Even if a Witness struggles and simply does the best they can do, it just may not be good enough to please Jehovah and the elders. If a Witness enjoys entertainment, there is a LIST of do's and don'ts. If others notice that you were at a PG13 or R rated movie. you are subject to "counsel". Even sex between a husband and wife is legislated. If an elder, ministerial servant or pioneer engages in oral sex with their spouse, they could be removed from their congregational privleges. If a person is depressed because of the unending workload, they are now encouraged to "do more". They are told to stop concentrating on themselves and do more for Jehovah..... Is it any wonder why it seems JW's drink so much?
Do A Number of Jehovah's Witnesses Have A Drinking Problem???
by minimus 70 Replies latest jw friends
They do???
I'd say some may have a drinking problem, but most that I know don't.
With all the crap they have to put up with, I don't think JW's drink nearly enough!
My fondest memories from my JW daze were from drinking in strip bars with my MS buddy, who used to get on the stage and dance with the strippers! Somehow, he never got bounced out! Going there was a great stress reliever.
I heard one elder say in a talk that we shouldn't go to PG rated movies, that PG stood for "Pure Garbage". I later saw some porn flicks at his house.
When I was a new JW I asked an elder about the JW stand on oral sex. His answer was "A little face in the right place is no disgrace."
With all the stupid rules and mixed signals you get from them, it's a wonder that they don't partake even more frequently of the Holy Spirits!
Canadian District Overbeer
Pris, I changed the MOST in the title. You're right. But a large number of Witnesses that I know drink more than you might believe.
They drink, get drunk, fall down. No problem.
I knew a few that enjoyed a few, but never met one with a problem
overbeer training - 3 months piobeering - 6 months in Brothel - winesterial servant - ?
Well the reason that I got divorced from my ex JW P.O. elder was he ws an active alcoholic. He drank for over 20 years even before he went to meetings etc. I took this issue over and over to the "brothers" to no avail. When I walked out then he went into rehab. Drinkers associate with overs that drink I know many, many elders and "brothers" in responsible positions that abused alcohol. Everytime I took this issue to the elders they told me that I was not an expert so did not know that he was abusing since alcohol was allowed in the scriptures. What IDIOTS!!!!!! Same counsel they give to abused woman. Oh by the way he still is the P.O. of the local KH.
Most of the Bethel Boys LOVE to drink.
It is no more prevalent than any other group of people.
Some do, Some don't.........No big deal really..
I drink at least a gallon of pop each day. Does that count?
Hiccup to you Cas.....I entertained many Bethelites and realized that nearly all of them----either husband or wife got drunk before they left the house. Of course, I urged them to drink to extract information from them.