Celebs you look like

by berylblue 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    I look like Cousin It from the Adams Family...on a bad hair day! Maverick
    LOL Maverick- who's bad hair day- yours or Cousin It's? XW

  • Goshawk

    Was told in my early 20's that I looked like a young Mick Jagger. Now I have been told that I look more like Nick Nolte but with darker hair.

    of the I think I look like quasimoto class

  • figureheaduk

    Many people say I look like Harry Potter (If i've got my round glasses on). Others think I look a bit like Brendan Frasier. I've even been told I look like one of the Baldwin brothers (though I cant remember which one!). I notice the similarities between me and Potter, but me and Frasier/Baldwin - No way!

    Personally, I think I look like a bit a cross between Brian the drummer from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and BBC presenter Louis Theroux.

    Here's a bad quality pic of me looking a bit worse for wear (notice the cut on my lower lip). You decide......

  • Beans

    When Melrose Place was on many people told me I looked like Thomas Calabro. And for those Apostates who have met me may confirm this.


    Canadian District Overbeer


  • gumby

    Heres me.

  • Xena

    hhhmmm I think you are cuter than him Beans.

  • Beans

    Thanks Xena, but I wish I had his cash to go with it :)

  • Gopher

    Some have said I look like a slightly heavier version of actor Rick Moranis, best known for his roles on SCTV, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, and Little Shop of Horrors.


  • plmkrzy

    gumby I just LUV contrasts in your complexion! Exquizzzit!

    I've been told I look like a variety of celebs. I guess it depends on the mood I'm in who I look like. lol! I was told 2 or 3 times I look like Markie Post. Once Sophia Loren, a couple times I was told I look like Loni Anderson, when I was a youngin' I was told I look like Marlin Monroe. When I was suffereing from my worst case of depression I was said to look like Patty Hurst. LOL! Hahaha. sigh... Sheesh I was even told I looked like salley field and My ex mother-in-law said I looked like Shirley McKlain.

    So I don't know who I look like. I would like to look like Rachel Welch in her prime. I would wear those fuzzy furry boots and shorts everywhere if I did.

  • obiwan


    Teejay once told me I look like Tamala Jones, but I think he was just trying to be nice.

    If that's the case Sp, don't come near me!

    I have been told by several people, that I either look like John Travolta or Val Kilmer.

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