
by missylissy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • missylissy

    some of you probably read my last post, before i went camping

    its sunday now, and i just got back. i had THE best time of my entire life. i worried about it for awhile the first day, with all the JWs there. but he told me not to worry about it...and eventually i got over it! im so happy i went! we went swimming, and layed on the beach, and we went kayaking, TWICE! and we layed out under the stars every nite. and, it was just great! we did a lot of cool stuff! the perfect way to spend the last week of summer. school starts on wednesday (yuck) but its been the BEST summer ever!!!


  • missylissy

    oh yeah, and thanks for the advice from everyone else. i just had to be myself. and it worked out fine. i was talking to 2 of his friends, and i talked to his mother for a minute!

  • oldcrowwoman

    Glad it all worked out for you, Missy


  • Shutterbug

    Really nice to see you so happy. Bug

  • drwtsn32

    missy: glad everything went well! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!

  • SheilaM

    That is great...remember always be yourself then you don't have to remember who you pretended to be.

  • Panda

    missylissy, How wonderful to read your happy message. You'll have to go camping again!

  • tinkerbell82

    i'm so glad you two had fun, missy! thanks for the update!! :)

  • orangefatcat

    Missy, I am glad you had a great camping trip, like you I love camping so much. I went camping a few weeks ago and had a fabulous time. I went to Sauble Beach on Lake Huron. I see that you are a fellow Canadian, so do tell where are you from.

    Isn't it great the outdoors and eating and sleeping under the stars. This year I spoiled myself and bought a beautiful tent cabin style. 18 feet x 10 feet. I also bought myself a bed and mattress that lifts of the ground, that is on account of my back and my age. My friend came with me. She use to be on the board but doesn't anymore. Some of you remember her as Big Floppy Dog. Anyway we were just in our glory. At the beach everyday and we traveled up to Tobermory. We took the Cruise on the boat and it was three hours long. It has a glass bottom so you can see ship wrecks from long ago. I was a great trip. I am not for kyaking though. Might tip it and never get it back up and with my age and terrible back I would be a sinker for sure.

    Well Missy glad for your adventure.

    love Orangefatcat

  • moonwillow

    Thanks for the update missy. Glad you had such a good time just remember to always be you

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