Anyone listen to the "special" talk today? I guess it was given by one of the Governing body members and shown at all the halls.
Special Talk
by EmptyInside 30 Replies latest jw friends
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is it available online? My husband is going and I would like to know what he is hearing
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No, stillMS, I wasn't expecting anything really that "special",lol. Just curious is all.
I'm not sure if they posted it on-line.
Good grief it is a give us your money talk.
The Watchtower does not give back to people, like the example of Jesus did to those in need!
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Steve2, I need to know what my husband is hearing. The only reason to sit through this borefest.
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Another "Special" talk about "Special" information from the Almighty?
Yup....same old same old:
"You are not worthy, you need divine favour, you need to work hard in God's service, don't sin, and give money to the Almighty because he cant seem to provide for himself....."
Wash rinse repeat....
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