"Escaping The Watchtower" Trailer
by Christian Gutierrez 23 Replies latest jw friends
Christian Gutierrez
This is the trailer to the documentary we have been working on, hope you like it. We would be happy to hear any advice and tips you may have. Thanks 😁
Introvert 2
This is great so looking forward to watching it thank-you !!!!
Christian Gutierrez
Hey no problem.
Lett The Shunning Begin
Thank you both for having the courage to share your stories. This has helped many and will continue provide comfort and encouragement for many to leave this corrupt and divisive Org.
What do you wish to accomplish with all your videos?
Is it therapeutic for the both of you?
How do you know these videos help anyone trying escape this tyrannical organization? Do you get any feedback?
Do you realize that no matter how many internet sites, books, youtube videos, and lawsuits against the Watchtower, people will not leave until they are mentally ready?
Thank you both
Awe you guys -- I love you so much for the hard work you have done toward making this documentary. It is immensely vital that this exposure happens so more and more can finally free themselves of the "cult-hold" on them. I cannot wait to see this in full!! You guys are the best. Thank you also for your candidness in the w5tv documentary. Absolutely amazing job!!
Christian Gutierrez
No we do not get any therapy from thos at all. This is meant to try and get peoples families back through this type of information. We were not mentally prepared to wake up and had a lot to lose when we left. We were regular pioneers and ministerial servant. But when information is presented that had not been known, we had no choice but to want to leave. So this is designed to wake current JW's up.
Christian Gutierrez
Thanks LTSB and Pookiegirl. We have had lots of results already, so we keep chugging along with this channel.
Lets Think
I think the great thing about these sort of videos is when someone starts the wake-up they realize they are not alone.There is large community of exjws. So while these videos may not cause an uberdub to wake-up. They can help those going down that path. So keep up the good work! There are many of us who support this activism.