And they have a cow when they install cameras inside homes in China, where this is viewed as normal. People freely accepting this form of communism will only facilitate communism for everyone, and they will be all too happy to install monitors to go along with your RFID chip that verifies you had your coronavirus shot.
Let them install one of those things in my house for a boasting session, and I will purposely disconnect the line in the middle of something. I do not think they will appreciate it if I "stumble" on a blatantly Satanic site and send that through the zoom, or blast sun-worship music on the microphone. And if I pose in "indecent" dress, their only option is to disconnect my line. And I wonder what they will do if all they get is fresh remarks, all in German, or comments to rip apart the whole doctrine (again, in German). Plus, they are getting precisely zero donations from me.
I need my money for famine preps. And just in case I get work disruptions because the store I work at shuts down because of the pandemic or my hours get cut due to the famine, I need that money for my own self. Even if my work does not get disrupted and I end up getting another fat stimulus check, I have other things that I intend to use it for that will benefit me into the next several years instead of throwing it all away. Things like a better bicycle or upgrades for the one I already have, higher quality clothing, upgrades for my computer or a backup, or (if I can get it) silver. Even if everything goes back to full normal, I feel that, if I have money to donate to this communism program, I have money for silver.