Hi all,
While having my first strong black coffee of the day, I was thinking about what may be to come next as the org. rapidly goes Mainstream, and this is what I came up with :
1) They will introduce for Sunday, the After Meeting Fellowship, a time for just chatting but with the added bonus of Coffee and Snacks. This will just extend what many do anyway, spending that time gossiping etc. but will add to cohesion, and stop what a number used to do, rush straight off. This will be introduced as a "Loving provision from Jehovah", and as a time that new people can attend without even actually attending their first Meeting. hence convert prospects can get to know a few first, and the J.W's will be able to tick a Box every month because they did some "preaching".
2) THE BIGGIE, but subtly introduced as no real change at all, they will stress that all medical procedures etc, including the taking of Blood, are ENTIRELY a "conscience matter" and private. Nobody is to question what another J.W does, especially the Elders.
Thus they will no longer be known as The Killer Org. and it will totally remove any legal liability. By introduced subtly, I mean it will only be a "Clarification" of course.
Thoughts ?