Do you get the wombles with it?
Wimbledon Kingdom Hall
by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends
Underground, overground, Wombl-ing free
JBorg has tak-en my King-dom hall from me.
We make good use of the things that we find
Even though Watchtower is robbing us blind.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
Oh yes! The KH on Haydon's Rd is the one with the CO flat (previously anyway). The other KH may have been the one in which a tall and concentric Morley was the coordinator. Hitherto the recipient of a lawsuit by a Bro Otto if I recollect properly. I was told that Morley ran the cong like a business - rich in protocol and poor in love. I was also told that 30% or more moved away such was his cold and conceited paradigm. So strange tbat the GB wants JWs to harvest recruits then BoEs like those in Wimbledon just haemorrhage recruits. What a paradox!
Nicholaus, you are right, Morley was the PO (May still be?) and the one who Otto sued, I was not in the hall long enough to make a judgement on how he ran things, though I know lesterkite was not a fan.
The story when I was there was that a lot of people were moving out the Congregation due to JWs finding it difficult to afford housing in the area, which I find somewhat plausible (Wimbledon is expensive and JWs don't tend to have a lot of money of course) though perhaps it was a combination of things. Again, Lester might know more.