Have any nicknames you remember used to describe the BOYS at Bethel? e.g. Vern Wisegarver was QuickChew because he was quic to chew you out.
Bethel Nicknames
by SadElder 11 Replies latest jw friends
I don't see this thread getting too far so maybe I can suggest a few......Carey the Barber, John BarrNone, Lloyd Barrymore, John Wilkes Booth, F.W.Flan, George D. Gangerene, Uncle Milty Henschel, Theodore "The Beaver" Jaracz, Karl KleinSpitter, Dr. Albert Schroeder, Lyin Swingle and Daniel Kidlik......1992 GB Members
maybe I can suggest a few
Thanks for the suggestions Minimus, but want nicknames actually in use. I've forgotten most of them.
C'mon SadElder....At least give me credit for all my hard work!
I might have some shortly. I sent an email to a former Bethelite, friend of ours.
Room 215
Other than ``pappy" for Knorr, I don't recall many nicknames for the higher-ups. I of course was stunned, when my work overseer good-naturedly referred to me as ``Wop;" he was widely known as ``Spic." I remember also his calling Dan Molchan ``Big Cakes"-- ``cakes" being a Bethel euphemism for buttocks.
In the 50s, all the young men in the congregations resented the fact that all the girls "went crazy" over visiting Bethelites and all the mothers hoped their daughters would end up marrying them. Our name of these Bethelites was "God's gift to women"...all said with tongue in cheek, of course!
to the tune of Jesus Christ, Superstar:
"Nathan Knorr,
Who or what are your comments for?"
metatron ( ancient history)
Ewart Chity -- was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
and Leo Greenlees was Leering Weenies