I had five kids and my wife remembered every ones DOB, but I never did learn. THe most embarrassing moment was when I had to take my son to the doctors. and standing in front of the office I had to asked him how old he was and what was his birthday. Was it just me or did any other dads have that problem.?
As a witness how many could not remember your child's date of birth
by rekless 18 Replies latest jw friends
I've never been born. I have always been the almighty and powerful, Obiwan....the force is strong with me.
my mom remembered all four of us kids' birthdates. my dad, on the other hand, could barely hazard a guess at how old any of us were. :\
I've managed to remember my daughter's, but mom, dad, and the rest of the family... I never could remember.
The fact that hers was within 5 days of my wedding anniversary probably helped on both counts. I would still confuse them though, lol.
um ... I still can't remember the kids birthdays ... I have trouble with Angharad's birthday (and my own)
Good job I had the foresight to get married on a memorable date ... April 1st ... fools day (seemed appropriate, LOL)
It's not just a witness thing. My dad can't remember birthdays. I remember one January back 23 years ago. I was 16. My dad was doing the taxes in the kitchen and called out,
"Mike, did you turn 18 yet?" The man was clueless...a great provider...and a good dad...but clueless. -
I could always remember my kids birthdays.
It irritates the S&%T out of me, though, when I'm around a bunch of JWs and when the subject of birthdays come up, how they always work so hard to feign(sp) ignorance of even their own birthdays to appear so theo-kratic in front of each other.
ack! I have probs remembering dates...My mom would mention my birthday offhanded, but my grandfather was good about it...he would take me for ice cream or a walk to the store for a toy...it was always on the DL with he and I and I kind of liked it that way.
This might help us...*LOL*
District Overbeer
Actually, rekless, men in general have a hard time remembering their children's birthdates, their wives birthdates, and their wedding anniversaries even if they aren't JWs and celebrate those things. It is even joked about: Note #12 down below.
C lasses For Men
Due to the complexity and level of difficulty, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants.
1. How to fill ice-cube trays. Step by step with slide presentation.
2. Lavatory paper rolls: Do they grow on the holders? Roundtable discussion.
3. Differences between the laundry basket and the floor. Pictures and graphics.
4. The after-dinner dishes and silverware: Can they levitate and fly into kitchen sink? Examples on video.
5. Loss of identity: Losing the remote to your significant other. Help line and support groups.
6. Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming. Open forum.
7. Health watch: Bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health. Graphics and audio tape.
8. Real men ask for directions when lost. Real-life testimonials.
9. Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel parks? Driving simulation.
10. Learning to live: Basic differences between mother and wife. Online class and role playing.
11. How to be the ideal shopping companion. Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.
12. How to fight cerebral atrophy: Remembering birthdays, anniversaries, other important dates and calling when you're going to be late. Cerebral shock therapy sessions and full lobotomies offered. -
I think that is a men's issue, not a JW thing. Our family always remembered birthdays and still do of course. Dave usually remembers, but sometimes asks to be sure.