I've heard all about you!

by SM62 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Hello and welcome Terri

    You will learns lots here.


  • SM62

    I am at work now, so I'll be brief (this is the third time I have typed this - am I doing something wrong??)

    I just wanted to say thanks for making me feel so good. I really could not see the love in the Kingdom Hall that everyone was talking about. It didn't exist. I tried so hard to fit in, but was always a misfit. Thanks for making me feel like I actually 'fit'!

    Lots of love


  • berylblue


  • Scully


    Feel free to join in as much or as little as you like.

    Love, Scully

  • xjw_b12

    xjw_b12 " Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know"

  • calamityjane

    Welcome Terri, its always nice to have a new voice on the forum. Glad to have you here. Feel free to add your two cents worth at any time.



  • SM62

    Background - I have been a JW for approx 14 years - although when do you all count from? When you started studying? When you got baptised?

    I am female, I have 3 children and two are not really active JWs. My husband is a MS and loves this religion to bits. He is really nice and understanding and doesn't mind anymore that I don't go to meetings with him. He always asks if I want to come, but accepts I don't at the moment, which makes me feel less threatened.

    I will talk soon - lots of work to do.


  • rocketman

    Welcome Terri! Don't worry about feelings of inadequacy here.....we're all a bunch of inadequate misfits!

    Hey, do you own a pair of Infinity Loudspeakers? They used to have a model line that included the SM62.

  • Flowerpetal

    Hi Terri!

    I am a member of this board although a lot people here don't know me. I had stepped away for a while (maybe about a year and a half) because I felt some people were being a little to "feral" and I just didn't want to deal with it; but I don't see them anymore posting here maybe because they have moved on. Please don't be afraid to post your views.

    The group that is here now seems like a great group of people. I have been lurking...... and maybe I'll participate a little more regularly.

  • acsot

    Welcome Terri!

    So many of us know what you're experiencing - not fitting in, not belonging; the truth of the matter is that the whole structure of the Society is made so that the average person feels as though they can't measure up, and therefore, not really belong to the group. Added to that problem is the fact that no one can come right out and talk about stuff like this to other JWs for fear of being seen as weak, rather than discerning, which is the reality of the matter. When you discern what's really going on, you can't help but feel as though you don't fit in. It's the beginning of opening yourself up to all the wonderful possibilities out there, and discovering for yourself who you really are and what you really wnt to believe in.

    It's scary but definitely worth the trip!

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