1.) That I'm a goof
2.) That I'm loyal
3.) That I can be found dancin' in my cube at work
by berylblue 31 Replies latest jw friends
1.) That I'm a goof
2.) That I'm loyal
3.) That I can be found dancin' in my cube at work
Cool thread Berylblue!
1. I like chocolate.
2. I love my niece.
3. I have a loud laugh.
1. That I'm very close to my family
2. That I'm in love/lust with Sting
3. That I don't wear my shoes when I'm at my desk
I have a loud laugh.........xx prisca
Dammit! And I always thought if I were to re-marry.....................
They've done amazing things with foam rubber earplugs, Gum...
Gumby dear, to sensitive Aussie ears it sounds loud; to American ears it probably sounds normal
to American ears it probably sounds normal
What I wanna know is.....what you sound like when you whisper
Why don't you come a little closer, and you'll find out.....
Can you send me a tape.....or do I have to call?
(yikes, I changed my post but you had already replied....)
Can you send me a tape.....or do I have to call?
Call me, call me now.... (in her best Sex-Phone-Line-Commercial voice)