What a wonderful time to be a Jehovah’s Witness! For the most part you don’t have to go and preach you don’t have to go to meetings and you can stay home and watch what happens on your iPad. These are the glory days!!!
JWs and Covid Benefits
by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends
It really is.
You don’t have to do anything. Shepherding call...can’t do it. I might catch corona. Elders meetings, no way!
Exactly. It's brilliant. The WT doesn't lose its numbers and the peeps have the easest time ever!
I wouldn't doubt FT numbers go up, increase of pioneers! Who would ever know!!
I might go back just so I don’t have to go back
It is a great time to get reactivated. Just meet with the elders over the phone/zoom and get your login for the meetings!
I guess maybe now it really is the "Best Life Ever!"
Just for giggles, maybe it would be fun to contact somebody and say "Hey howareya! I heard you don't have to go from door to door anymore to get your time in and can attend meetings in your own home. Count me in!" and see what they say.
road to nowhere
Nagging to do zoom text every day, complete with an added video. Dress for sitting in your own home.
CO seems to think we all sit home afraid living on our extra $600 unemployment.
Lol dress up at home for the meeting. They really have no clue.
I think the majority of JDubs are going to find it VERY hard to want to go door to door once things get back to normal. The hardcore ones will be balling their eyes out and so grateful to be back out.