JW’s are not brain damaged, but heart damaged!

by Joyzabel 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • setfreefinally

    ((((((((Joy and Steve))))))) I am sad to hear about what you guys and your family are going through. Keep the hope up that someday they will come to their senses.


  • jst2laws

    Just thought I would add some insight to my above comments. I identified the offensive shunning had come from the younger crowd. If you consider Hebrews chapter five and go to the end of the chapter you find a discussion of 'baby Christians' who need milk instead of meat. They had enough time to learn how to 'through use, have trained their perceptive powers to distinquish right from wrong" but the new generation is worse than the earlier witnesses. Just 'search the Watchtower publications' or 'consult with local elders' is the way to resolve matters of conscience. What more could be expected if that is what they are taught?

    A world wide organization of 'baby Christians' afraid to think for themselves or decide if something is 'right or wrong'!

    Nevertheless, they too are victims of fundamentalism. I do not hold them accountable for being youthful victims.


  • codeblue

    Steve and Joy:

    Today is the first day I have read your post. I am so sorry to hear about Steve's father. I think a lot about you guys and it hurts me to know that at a time of need, you and your family are not shown the love that you deserve to help you cope with this painful situation.

    You have hit the nail on the head: JW's are heart damaged! As a whole, they don't have a heart when it comes to painful matters. When my father died, an elder's wife asked me if he was a JW. When I told her he was not, she didn't respond but WALKED AWAY FROM ME---leaving me feeling that he was not a person and his death made no difference because he wasn't a JW. Very cruel....HEARTLESS!!!

    Please be assured that my heart is with you both and your family as you learn to cope with this tragedy, and I am here (you can email me or message me anytime) You all need lots of hugs right now.


  • Joyzabel

    Thank you ((((Codeblue)))) and welcome to the board.

    I am not even up to discussing how the memorial went. But all I'm going to say was how the family displayed their "love" was horrible. No natural affection but love for rules of an organization who claims to be God's spoke's man. <shaking head> very sad that JWs are so damaged.


  • xenawarrior

    (((((((((((((((Joy & Steve))))))))))))))

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