I was interviewed on December 29th for this research project. I enjoyed being able to assist the project. I believe the questions asked of me are extremely relevant to help those who are Jehovah's Witnesses who wish to leave the religion, but do not know how the best way to go about it.
Research project: A study designed to explore the experience of leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses
by Researcher2023 17 Replies latest jw friends
stan livedeath
i'm looking forward to taking part.
Bumping this for anyone busy over x-mas and new-years who didn't see it ...
A new article related to this topic just published
Luther, R. (2022). What Happens to Those Who Exit Jehovah’s Witnesses: An Investigation of the Impact of Shunning. Pastoral Psychology, 1-16.
Thank you I didn't see this first time around.
I volunteered to take part in this.
stan livedeath
i had the interview this afternoon--friday 6th jan. Took an hour--because --as usual--i talk far too much.
Disillusioned JW
Researcher2023, my private messaging privileges on this site were taken away from me some time ago by the moderator of this site. As a result, but what means may I reach you privately? What is the website URL in which people may fill out your survey? I am located in the USA. Does my location prevent me from being included in your survey?