Jesus did recognize and use God's name.....but, it wasn't jehovah

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    That's right - like so many scriptural verses which have been corrupted by translation and interpretation over the centuries, so too has the defining scripture where jesus clearly identified gods name.

    Of course, that verse is the so called Model Prayer, and contrary to the beliefs of many it does highlight god's name.

    As jesus said -"Let us pray then this way - Our father who art in heaven, HAROLD be thy name......

    So once again, the witnesses have got it wrong. They should refer to themselves as Harold's Witnesses, and they should be doing Harry's will. HW's - got a certain ring to it.

    To those bible bashers out there who feel I am a most disrespectful and sacrilegious bastard, well, thanks for the recognition.

    cheeses - who was once apethetic, but now just doesn't care.

    All hail Harold the lord almighty, maker of heaven and earth!

  • Vivamus

    Hail Harold ... It does have a certain ring to it

    I wonder if He likes margaritas...


    And the world shall tremble in the wake of the Blue Bubblegum
    Dutch District Overbeer/Margarita

  • xjw_b12

    Cheeses, you just crack me up.

    You should get together with Frannie Bannanie "Can you Gell"

    David an ex Harold one too !

  • LittleToe

    A true story:

    As a child, being raised in a Scottish school where Christianity was the norm, kids were encouraged to recite the "Lord's Prayer" each morning. One day the headmaster stopped the class, to confirm what was being said, because it didn't sound quite right.

    Upon being asked to recite it alone, one small boy said:
    "Our Father, the chart in heaven, Harold is his name..."

    (Should be "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...")

    We all cracked up laughing...

  • ozziepost

    This topic in fun is actually a very interesting point i.e. how did Jesus refer to his father? what name dide he use? did he use any name at all? "our Father" seems to be how he's referring to God. An interesting question for a Dub at the door, don't you think?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • shera

    LOL @ Cheeses.

  • stillajwexelder

    Probably Yahweh and of course Jesus is not Jesus butYeheshua ben Joseph -- we can not have it all ways if Jehovah's name is not Jehovah , Jesus's name is not Jesus

  • LittleToe

    Still:I noticed Yeheshua, in the "Insight" volumes, but think it suspect.
    The name is identical to Joshua, but some prefer a pronunciation of Yahshua (Yah [saves/is salvation]).

    As for the Father's name - Jesus isn't recorded as repeating it.

    LT - of the "it's nice to hijack an agnostic's thread, once in a while" class


    You're all goes like this..."out father who is ART in heaven". His Name is Art. Of course Trinitarians use this verse because if he was Art in Heaven...then he became Jesus while on earth and, well you get it.

  • stillajwexelder

    noticed Yeheshua, in the "Insight" volumes, but think it suspect.
    The name is identical to Joshua, but some prefer a pronunciation of Yahshua (Yah [saves/is salvation]).

    As for the Father's name - Jesus isn't recorded as repeating it.

    Little Toe you are correct of course -- but honestly -I did not get Yeheshua ben Joseph from the Insight book -- I got it from "When Jesus Became God" and sadly I can not remember the author -

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