Raised by a religion

by startingover 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • smurfette

    A very profound statment. I definitely agree that the organization was my surrogate parent too. Thank you for sharing your 1975 story also. My family didn't come "in" until 1980 and we were fed the company line regarding 1975, that it was the people who were stumbled's fault and that the society never said specifically 1975 was "the year". That certain people had taken the society too literally and gotten carried away. It wasn't until I found this site that I knew otherwise.

    Thank you startingover, and everyone else who've posted on the 1975 topic. Were it not for you I wouldn't have known the truth on this matter.

  • Odrade

    Startingover, Gambit said that in this thread:


    I think it's a good point, because there are so many things we didn't learn, or missed out on because of being raised by the WTS. They never made decisions on things, just looked in the magazines for the "rules." Sucked.


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