Weird meeting hours

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    What was the weirdest meeting hours you've ever seen or had?

    Sundays, we had 4 congregations for one KH. One meeting on sunday was from 4PM to 6PM. Those people lived about 25 miles from the Kingdom hall. Guess at what time they had supper?

    Maybe the only good thing was that they had their morning, afternoon, and evening free.

    Bookstudies on Saturday mornings, did you ever have that? It was a way to encourage people to go out in the field service right after the book study.

  • avishai

    Yup. Fri. night, I always had to play sick so I could watch Miami vice

  • freedom96

    Public talk and Watchtower every Saturday morning.

    There were three congregations at our hall. I know many others that had a 3-way Sunday rotation, but for some reason they had 2 on Sunday, one Saturday. No one else wanted the Sunday slots, so Saturday it was for at least 15 years that I was aware of it, and they still do it to this day 15 years later.

  • Lutece

    I used to absolutely hate dragging my baby out in the winter on cold, dark, snowy nights to the service meeting. That was the worst torture, lol. Oh, what a freedom to not have to go to "meetings". Am I missing out on my "spiritual food"? Nah, getting well fed on Harry Potter, Janet Evanovich and Food Network, heehee.


  • Joker10

    Sunday at 6p.m! They were remodoling.

  • Skeptic
    Bookstudies on Saturday mornings, did you ever have that? It was a way to encourage people to go out in the field service right after the book study.

    I preferred my bookstudy to be on Saturday. It freed up a night of week. The cost being getting home an hour later on Saturday morning.

    Nah, getting well fed on Harry Potter, Janet Evanovich and Food Network, heehee.

    Lutece, you are an Evanowich fan too? Has she published book Nine of the Plum series yet?

  • RR

    We use to have five congregations in my old Hall in the Bronx, the Spanish congregation met on Saturday.

    I personally don't recall any unusual times, although as a Bible Student we meet at from 1:30 pm to 4:15 pm.

    When I lived in Jersey City, there was a Philipino congregation that met once a week and Philipino JW's would come from ALL over, NY, NJ, PA, CT MD, just to get together for meetings, because they were no Philipino congregations. in their respective areas.

    They wokld actually have ALL five meetings on Saturday at the Stanley Theater and make a convention of their meetings.

  • Euphemism

    Weird times? How about Sunday at 9am? Having to get up at 8am on Sunday morning is simply cruel and unusual punishment.

    I saw an ad for a church that had services at 9am Sunday morning. I'm thinking to myself "No way in hell. If I don't have to get up for Kingdom Hall, no way am I getting up for anther church."

  • drwtsn32

    For a short while we had the TMS/SM on Friday night. And for the last couple years we were dubs we had bookstudy at 8AM on Saturday.

  • micheal

    For 6 months I had the service meeting Friday night 7-9. And Sunday meeting 7-9 at night. Crazy man

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