I heard about that library from another older Bethelite, "the publishers are not strong enough to view these books", only strong believers who would suffer financial harm if the truth ever came out! Nothing really surprises me anymore, it's a bizarro "multi-level marketing company".
My two week consulting trip to Bethel (the beginning of the end) Part 4
by seven006 83 Replies latest jw friends
"He said we had to go up to the main administration floor to check out some old books they wanted to make some archival negatives of. I went up to that floor and we were met by a couple of brothers. One was a tall black brother who I think if I can remembered said he worked in the legal department. The other brother didn't say what he did. We went over to the back of the department and there was a locked door. The brother opened it and as I stepped in he told me something I had heard before but with a little different slant to it. He said that the room had a lot of the old Watchtower literature in it and I shouldn't be alarmed about anything I may see. He said that the faithful and discreet slave had a lot less light from Jehovah back then and that new light had replaced some of the things the early FDS didn't quite grasp. He said that the average brother may not understand all of this. ..." OP
I strongly suspect that special library either disappears when they move to Walkill, or is buried even deeper - perhaps a steel-door-vault sort of arrangement...
And how typical of Watchtower culture, that the dammed LAWYER was in charge of access to the library!!!
"Don't get me wrong, I don't think the society intended to have those people die childless and leave all their money to the watchtower society. I think they just screwed up on their predictions for the end of the world and the money just happened to end up in their bank accounts because the people who were told not to have any kids didn't have anyone else to give it to. ..." also OP
I have a sneaking suspicion that the Watchtower Corporation knows what it's doing when it "exhorts" the Rank&File to avoid marriage and children.
Single people and childless married people have more freedom to move from place to place - they're easier to use in the Watchtower's corporate system.
And the little behests left to the Watchtower Corporation when they die, is just icing on the cake. But I suspect it's a DELIBERATE "icing" - Corporate headquarters is well aware of that added benefit from discouraging their members to reproduce.
Until the Watchtower Corporation squeezes itself into extinction by discouraging having children and building families...