JW 'urban legends'

by Steve Lowry 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • JakeM2012

    Doctor Who,

    That's is funny.

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who
    When I reflect on it now, the houses were on the same hill only feet apart. The old vagabond probably just went to the next house to scare that crap out of two teenagers. Funny thing is a version of this made our circus assembly a couple of years later. I remember one of our local brothers talking about it saying in the end how Satan uses apostates and how we must always be on guard.
  • DarioKehl

    Early/mid 80s: "The Warlock in the Barber Shop"

    a jw in a barber shop is asked what religion he is by another patron. He responds, "Jehovah's witness."

    the creepy old man recoils in horror, points his finger and says, "your god got our children in the flood. Now, OUR god will get YOURS."

    This was brought up several times during family studies/get togethers: moms usually shared it with other moms, a precognition to the mass exodus that would come 15-20 years later lol.

    the warlock was right!

  • yodastar

    Wow rebel8. Were the dickheads actually freakin serious when they said that rubbish to you? Sounds like they lived in the dark ages.

    Yep the angel one's are very popular and the borg have to spread these lovely little tales around to keep convincing the dubs to stay in otherwise 'they' will get you. Yep dark ages

  • Vidiot

    Isn't it astonishing just how much paranoia, mental illness, or just plain old bullshit can help stories proliferate?


    I swear, if the Wayans Brothers ever made a spoof movie about JW / Evangelical urban legends, it'd be the funniest goddamn thing anyone had ever seen.

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