Personally i think they gonna realise God's not backing org. That Idea gonna get even more established in their minds. I think the real selling of kingdom hall gonna start then.
What you think consequences gonna be for watchtower if they lose the court appeal in Norway?
by Hellothere 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I think the WT would find a way to spin their disfellowshipping doctrine to satisfy the courts, particularly for minors. The Norway situation is all about the government subsidies, and the fact that JW disfellowshipping as taught and practiced fails the government's criteria.
Personally i think they gonna realise God's not backing org.
No. It will be ‘Under attack by Satan’s system’. The usual morning rhetoric.
They will not lose. Other similar court cases have been won and it would simply mean appeals to higher courts.
The measure of success of this is not about the WT charity status but rather the continued exposure to the media on the WT and their practices, especially shunning.
And for that we have already won.
If they lose charity status they will say It's persecution and the publishers may have to fork over more money because they will need to account for taxes on donations, and I believe the WT will twist any results to be seen as the victim. -
the spin: we are being persecuted and beware because we expect other countries to persecute us as well. ( and the scripture to back up the spin is the one where Jesus said his followers would be persecuted-see the proof we are the true religion. ( now how many r/f will swallow it?....most likely most because after all they like seeing proof they are in the truth
They might decide to say that it is Gods way of showing them not to rely on Governments for financial support but instead be thankful for the every increasing donations from the brothers and sisters.
Listener, It wasn't until I came to this forum that I knew the governments gave money to the JW. I was in for 50 years. I wonder how many r/f are like I was, just thinking the income was from donations. Since being on this forum, I have learned the some of the unethical "scams" that have been pulled on the gullible jw. If I had known the Governments were supporting them, I would have thought it wrong for them to depend upon the worldly governments...I mean wouldn't that make you a friend of the world? These court cases show you do have to be a friend of the world -if you don't do their bidding ( making them your master ) you don't get the funds. I guess it is ok for them to slave for two masters. ( actually we know they only play lip service to God being their master )
Being cut off the public teat for breaking the rules…
…is “persecution”?
Beth Sarim
If they lose charity status "Armageddon is starting,,Armageddon is starting"
Convincing the $heeple to sell everything and give it to the Borg.
Theyve been saying for 10 years to hear "strange" or unusual instructions.