I've tried to put a response on here about three times and couldn't do it because my blood pressure goes up too high. To put it simply, most of you don't know what (or who) you're talking about.
I grew up around doctors, the vast majority of them are dedicated professionals who are working hard for the best interests of their patients. Some of you know that my father spent his life pursuing a cure for leukemia. It took him a life time of work, but he succeeded. When he started working on the problem in the 1950's a diagnosis of leukemia was a death sentence, and most victims were children. Today, thanks to Dad's work on bone marrow transplants thousands of former leukemia patients are now living happy and healthy lives.
The work he did set the stage for today's advancements in immunotherapy, stem cells and other types of transplants.
If you think doctors are making too much money feel free to look up nonsense on the internet and treat yourselves for free. If you live and can tell us about it.