The JWs have yet to learn, after 120 years of considering themselves bible geniuses, that human beings cannot be motivated by the negative incentive, by exhorting you to love to not do this or that. The 10 commandments are just like that: Thou shalt NOT do this or that... And frankly, it's easy to tell what kind of people this Jehovah character is speaking to by the things they are exhorted not to do: Thou shalt not lust after thy neighbor's OX, fer chrissake - and a buncha other things that I wouldn't be interested in even if my neighbor had any.
The Master came along and turned the Bronze Age God's exhortions around and made of them positive rules that people could love: Love your God with a whole soul; love your neighbor as yourself; and the Master removed the onerous burden of THE LAW from off the backs of the people and made following God a lovable and happy thing to do. But of course along come the Pharisees and seeing Jesus watering down their power had him killed.
And today any in the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses who point the finger at the elders, today's version of yesterday's Pharisees, are immediately called apostate because these crooked men don't want to loose any authority over today's "flock". Lucky for us, we realized long ago that we don't need no stinking elders to gain God's approval, and we don't need no stinking governing body either. And that's what these bastards can't stand. WE DON'T NEED YOU, YOU HYPOCRITES. Go somewhere and jerk off, that's all the fun you're allowed today. And, BTW, we're going to roast your asses for screwing little boys and girls. Stand by. We have the law on our side. You don't have bupkiss.
Frank Tyrrell