In theory , the elders don't pursue an individual who has faded. That is the Societies Official Line.
In practice , many do . especially if there is some uncertainty with the person who stopped attending , such as "bad conduct" or a hint ( or more ) of "apostate views"..
When I was an elder , against my wishes . the BOE dispatched 2 elders to a former JW who we had heard had moved in with his girlfriend , even though he had left several years earlier. He basically told the elders to "get lost" and we decided not to take any action.
A couple of years after I stopped attending ( faded ) , an couple of elders made a totally unexpected house call on me and basically told me that the congregation needed to know "where I stood" and essentially told me to dictate an DA letter that they could "tidy up the paperwork" (their exact words )". I just told them that the Society had no such procedure but they said that the CO was wondering what was happening and some in the congregation "had questions about me and what my status was". There had recently been a CO visit and I asked them whether the CO had asked to them to call on me and they kind of mumbled that was the case.
They then tried to kind of elicit a "confession" from me but I simply refused to answer any of the usual loaded questions "Do you still believe the GB are God's representatives etc". I have my own ( dependent elderly JW family ) reasons for not being DFd and I simply wasn't going to give those jerks any ammunition and told them I wasn't wanting to discuss such matters and that my views and concerns were private.
Bear in mind that in both cases , we simply had become inactive and had moved on with our lives. The whole tone of both calls wasn't to "gain a brother" in any way. It was simply nosy , confrontational , fact finding missions to try to DF people or get them to write DA letters..