JW.org and recruitment

by Illuminated 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Illuminated
    Do you believe the marketing of  jay w org will convert more people or help inactive ones remain indoctrinated?
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    A pamphlet is all it took to hook me in at the age of 13. So I figure that some of the very young as well as naïve adults will respond.


  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    I'm no marketing expert and as a person diagnosed with Aspergers, I think differently from others.  In my Aspergers mind, the JW.org campaign is a turn off.  I know companies use logos to bring their company to people's minds when they see the logo.  It is very effective or they wouldn't use it.  

    However, in my search for God, I am not looking for a company or a logo.  I am not buying a car, opening a bank account or deciding where to buy my groceries for the week.  I am looking for Bible truth, not a catchy logo or theme song.  This means my life and it is not about whether I buy my food at Coles, Woolworths or Aldi or drive a Mazda or a Toyota.  It is about the truth of Jehovah and Jesus and needs much research.  A fish or a blue square are not going to cut it for me.  I think Ray Franz had the right idea.  He did his own thinking and then gathered with people in small groups where they could think, reason and discuss together. There were no religious or christian labels, or logos, just Bible study.  He had seen enough of organised religion, more than you or I have ever seen.

  • prologos

    The biggest wt 'witness ever' was given in August 2014, based entirely on the blue square.  and not one new recruit has so far showed up in our hall. 

    If any are hooked, they are not reeled in.

    If they are hooked, they remain at arm's length, not translating into flesh and blood, baptizable  members, anytime soon, here were the old gather too.   

  • WTWizard

    I have looked at numerous features of that bloody site, and I do not like what they have to say.  Poverty is good?  And most of the advice they give is at best worthless--at best, good only for the nation of Israel at the time of Moses, and at worst meant to ruin lives.  They bash Satan, despite that it is blatant from reading Genesis 2 and 3 that joke-hova was the one to threaten us with death and Satan wanted to liberate us from joke-hova's tyranny.  Then the discussions about Satan contradict this.  Why would Demons attack us after expressing so much interest in liberating us that they risked everything trying?

    And, even if I was interested, why would I need someone else to study with me?  Suppose that someone else wanted only to ruin my life?  They teach me that things need to be thrown away where there is no mention of such in the littera-trash.  They give me motel rooms for a Grand Boasting Session when I need only look at the video feeds.  Do I need to expose my silver (or, for that matter, anything else) to prying eyes so someone can be stumbled?  Or, would it be better simply to study the publications online and not let everyone know what material things I have so they can't be stumbled by it?  You cannot be stumbled by something if you do not know I have it.

  • smiddy

    I think the only people who are /were impressed by the logo JW.org is jehovahs witnesses , I cant see anybody else getting excited over something like that.

    In the real world a company that puts out a quality product , that is embraced by the consumer , can bank on their logo to bring in more customers .

    That does not equate with the religion of jehovahs witnesses.


  • FayeDunaway

    It's because they're absolutely desperate about their image and appearing modern and with it. 

    I still haven't gotten an answer to this....aren't they concerned directing people to a website will expose them to other sites they don't want them to see?? Yes they themselves can bookmark the official, but people on the street are going to see that other stuff too if they Google it.

  • Awake at last
    Awake at last
    In response to you Fay Dunaway, yes I went to their website just to check something.  I was inactive and didn't want to stir the pot by asking someone to bring mags to my house so went on to JW.com.  I couldn't find what I wanted as it happened so as I was leaving the site I accidentally found JWrecovery.  I had a peek and then joined.  Later I found this site, had a peek too and then joined.  I have since visited every ex JW site I can find.  I have found out all about Ray Franz, Barbara Anderson, Candace Conti and all the child abuse cases.  So thank you JW.org for opening my eyes to what I didn't have a clue about.  TTATT, wow!
    Link / -0
  • KateWild

    I don't think the marketing of JW.org alone will indoctrinate people or keep inactive ones in. but I think it helps alongside the lovebombing.

    The WT is a very social group. If it's seen to be up to date with modern technology although having old fashioned views it might aid with the recruitment process. But the main way to recruit is through lovebombing, most members are genuine and really care sincerely about the people they preach to. This leads to lots of socialising.

    That's how I got involved anyway. I got an instant circle of friends.

    Kate xx 

  • _Morpheus

    And i agree with kate on this.  The internet appeals because of its lack of personal human contact. It creats an allusion of interaction on boards like this, but its not at all the same as 'in person' contact.   The org seems to like the idea that people can look at their beliefs in private and not have to explain to their neighbors who is visiting every week.  They have said as much at recent CA in fact. But the problem kate points out is that what hooks people most often is not dubbie doctrine but the love bombing and social circle provided by the local congregation.  Im not sure the translation is there from a non interactive website (meaning one that provides static information and not acrual human interaction) to getting butts in seats at the local hall.  

    I continue to think that j w o r g is 1) a response to people learning the truth about the truth and countering with their own side  and 2) cost saving as they migrated from 'print to pdf'


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