Who said the world wont end with a wimper but a bang ?
King of the North
by pontoon 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This just reminds me how fragile the Corporation(tm) teachings(tm) are. The last I heard, about 11 years ago, was that they didn't know who the KotN was.
Now it's Russia?
Talk about flip flops. They know. They don't know. They know. A bit like the men of Sodom being resurrected(tm).
Anyone would think that Jehovah(tm) really DOESN'T speak to them.
Maybe there will be 'new light' that says that Ukraine is the King of the South. OMG... that means the end is almost upon us! Quick, donate more funds to
the booze cabinetthe worldwide preaching work! -
Ukraine is definitely part of king of the south even if they don’t officially join NATO
we all know the king of the South is fighting the KOTN through Ukraine in this proxy war
Ukraine is definitely part of king of the south even if they don’t officially join NATO
Really? Ukraine is part of Ptolemaic Egypt during the 4th to 2nd centuries BCE? 🤦♂️ Seems considerably unlikely.
IndoubtbigtimeKing of the North is Russia and allies, primarily China, but all the brics nations. (Brazil Russia India China and South Africa
In JW doctrine, the "king of the north" is usually only Russia (but also described as Russia and its allies in a 2020 Watchtower article), but Russia and its allies (but sometimes suggested as being all nations) are 'Gog of Magog'. See also Daniel's dreams and visions (Appendix 2), Pure Worship—Ezekiel revisited (Chapter 17).
Back in reality, the "king of the north" was the dynasty of Seleucid kings up until Antiochus IV. See Daniel's dreams and visions (Chapter 11).
'Gog of Magog', entirely unrelated to the "king of the north", was a hypothetical ruler from the far north of Israel who would purportedly lead an attack against Israel some time after the fall of Babylon. See also What Does the Bible Really Teach… about Gog of Magog? (PDF).
The King of the North has always been Russia as stated by the Watchtower. There was a lapse for a little while, but It was Russia 70 yrs ago and it's Russia now.
They said in 1999 that they didn’t know who it was from 1991 onwards (and they said it was the Soviet Union from after WWII until 1991, rather than ‘always’ or ‘Russia’). It is only more recently that they retrofitted it back to Russia.
Now, years later, I understand what a pseudo religion end times movements are.
We all believed this once ago.
@ Indoubtbigtime
but of course plenty of other countries hate king of the South Syria, Iran and pretty much all the Middle East
king of of the south in UK and USA and their allies like Japan and NATO countries
I assure you that many Europeans viscerally hate the USA, the "king of the south" and his hateful way of "exporting democracy"