Hi Dan, What you wrote reminded me of what I read in Chuck's Studies in the Scriptures. He was pretty far out in some of his "studies" but they do interest me in an historical sort of way. The WTS could learn from him if they examined his ideas. (oops they claim to be his spiritual decendents don't they) anyway, He was talking about how a virgin could not be a mother. (except Mary of course) Obviously the WTS missed this point.
Rev. 17:5 ) And let it not pass unobserved that both Romanists and Protestants now freely own the relationship of mother and daughters, the former continually styling herself the Holy Mother Church, and the latter, with pleased complacency, endorsing the idea, as shown by many public utterances of leading Protestant clergymen and laymen. Thus they [D29] "glory in their shame," apparently all unmindful of the brand which they thus accept from the Word of God, which designates the Papacy, as "the mother of harlots." Nor does the Papacy, in claiming her office of motherhood, ever seem to have questioned her right to that title, or to have considered its incompatibility with her profession still to be the only true church, which the Scriptures designate a "virgin" espoused to Christ. Her acknowledged claims of motherhood are to the everlasting shame of both herself and her offspring. The true Church, which God recognizes, but which the world knows not, is still a virgin; and from her pure and holy estate no daughter systems have ever sprung. She is still a chaste virgin, true to Christ, and dear to him as the apple of his eye. (Zech. 2:8; Psa. 17:6,8) The true Church cannot be pointed out anywhere as a company from which all the tares have been separated, but it consists only of the true "wheat," and all such are known unto God, whether the world recognizes them or not.
religious systems claiming to be either the espoused virgin or the bride of Christ, and yet courting the favor and receiving the support of the world, at the price of disloyalty to Christ.I like this quote, too.
For those who would obey this command to come out of Babylon, there is but one place of refuge; and that is, not in a new sect and bondage , but in "The secret place of the Most High"--the place or condition of entire consecration, typified by the Most Holy of the Tabernacle and Temple. (Psa. 91) "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most [D44] High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." And such may truly say in the midst of all the calamities of this evil day, "The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God: in him will I trust."
Here is a link to Chuck Russells "studies"
I can't seem to control the font color. Now the underline is stuck.