Did you really believe?

by barbar 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • barbar

    I am interested to know whether JW's or ex JW's on this board really did believe 100%.

    Did you have doubts all of the time, did you have some confusion or did you never doubt at all?

    I recognise that most on this board will have had doubts at the end but was this always the case when you were a good dub?

    I always thought that I was a poor JW because of lingering doubts, but it wasn't a question you could ask others at the time


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    B, I had doubts before I was baptised....but my reasons for allowing them to dissimilate and set aside my "issues" and continue on for so many years, from baptism on....is because my true reason for beginning a study with them was not to seek the truth, (they convinced me temporarily that was most important)....but I knew that there is a group of people on earth that are God's people and I was searching on my own for them.....I wanted to believe the JWs ARE God's people, ergo I swept my doubts under the "carpet" and carried my "torture stake" until I finally, without doubt, came to realize they WEREN'T God's people...I don't care WHOSE name they carry....their facade of "loving-kindness" is purely steaming cow pies.....and in the natural course of events, I came to research and learn that not only were they NOT God's people, but they do NOT teach the truth....I found that out when I took "a pause to see.".....and the truth of those matters set me free.

    And now I know that if God's people do exist on this planet.....they exist scattered over the face of the earth....they're out to "pasture", not in harness so they can be more easily "fleeced" by a borganization.

    Frannie B

  • stillajwexelder

    No I never truly believed everything -- but like an idiot, I thought if I wait on Jehovah then in his due time, all will be corrected and put right-- come to think of it I was more naive than an idiot.

  • shera

    I am interested to know whether JW's or ex JW's on this board really did believe 100%.

    Did you have doubts all of the time,

    I always had doubts,but I still got baptized...

  • wednesday

    I had some doubts, but i felt they were not significant. So I elected to just "wait" . Toward the end, i knew this could not possibly be the 'truth". It was the conduct of the JWS that convinced me it was not God's org. I was always sort of a "free spirit" and so tended to decide for myself about movies and things like that. It came with a price though, i was always considered "weak".

  • czarofmischief


    Never doubted it was the truth. I just had trouble dealing with the morality and all the work they wanted from me.


  • Hamas

    Hi barbar !

    Welcome to the forum !

    I believed every last word, man. Then when I left, it scared me to think that some of it might not be true.... it hurt even more when I realised all of it wasn't true

    But I will survive.

    Welcome again.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    No believer here, never was. I went cause kids are supposed to go but they didn't force it on me.

    I did do my little book and watchtower "studies" and found them simplistic and anal. There was no attraction to join.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Don't think I ever believed once I was old enough to think straight. Unfortunately, my emotional development lagged my intellectual by a good amount (surprise).

    It was emotional challenges that kept me in, not faith, and it was emotional strength that took me out (not doctrinal issues, which I'd always discerned but allowed to remain behind the curtain.)

  • justhuman


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