(Warning, rant enclosed) I feel like my brain is turning to mush.....

by razorMind 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prudence


    Congratulations on the baby. I understanding to some extent what it is like to not have your interests etc. valued by others. My worldy family still does not get why I am interested in anything they are not. I decided not to care what they or any other people think about my interests or tastes. I think it is great you are wanting to learn about the things you have a passion for. Sorry, I don't have any books I can recommend. When I was in college, there were a lot of people in their 50s doing well in the studies they took - up. I do not feel it is ever too late to go to school. What about taking classes online? Everyone is different, and this is just my 2 cents.

    edited 9/8/03

  • DanTheMan


    I may be similar to you in that most of the everyday people in my life aren't as interested in the "big ideas" as I am. I don't think that the majority of people in this world are deep thinking, intellectual, introspective people - and maybe that's the way it's supposed to be.

    Sometimes we just have to go it alone. It sounds like you get some intellectual stimulation from your husband, that is great. If you can find just one or two close friends, that may be as good as you can do.

    One thing I have found helpful is the book Please Understand Me II by David Kiersey. It has helped me get a handle on my what my own personality is, and I have found out that I'm the introspective, private, solitary type of person. So my fantasy that I've carried of someday having a large, diverse, stimulating circle of friends is never going to come to pass - social interaction is too taxing for me to maintain that sort of thing.

  • GentlyFeral
    I'm tired of always having to explain why I'm reading this or that book, explaining "why" I feel the need to know more about Mayan history or court life in ancient China and on and ON.

    Oh, honey. Take me now!

    No, seriously. I'll PM you my email address and you can tell me all about your brain-adventures. I'm into assorted countercultural arts, myself. We can turn each other on to new stuff.

    And now I'm going to read the rest of the thread.


  • frenchbabyface

    Sorry I didn’t take the time to read the answers you’ve got to answer that was TOO INTERESTING ... YES !!!

    To razormind :

    First : CONGRATULATION !!!

    That was very very very straight and well said !!! … WOAW

    You know what ? I just feel like you do …

    Just like you said !

    What can I do now to keep learning and growing, even though I can't go to school right now? I read all I can. I don't know a lot about politics/world economics, for example; are there any good books someone can recommend "for dummies"? (I'm an innocent babe when it comes to subjects of this sort

    And I found some people yet who are answering my needs … don’t even have to go to the biblio … and it's more fun ... they make me practicing ... they give me ideas ... they give me they're knolegde ... you'll find people here Am sure ... sure ... sure

    Wish you well ... And The Baby's gonna bring a lot into your life also ...

  • frenchbabyface

    I forgot to say
    like you said : but not always in the same field ...

    but that is what is the most interesting ... that allow us to share more ... to arguing ...
    When I read your post ... I laught and was like geez ... I can feel her strongly ... And I really appreciate to read YOU

    hope will get a chance to Chat at least, once ...


  • frenchbabyface

    Precision again :

    When I said I laugh, it was because of the way you express yourself - I LIKE IT - VERY VERY VERY much ... I mean it's CLEAR !!! In a way that WE CAN FEEL YOU ... it wakes up the feelings ...

  • frenchbabyface

    I just want to had this :

    For example : I've heard from ATILA (don't even know how to spell it) because I only KNEW is name ...
    but he was very FAMOUS in our history... And it was very INTERESTING ... to me anyway ...

    I've read the threads you've got and ... YES ... YOU ARE A THINKING PERSON ... (CURIOUSITY to me means ...KNOLEGDE ... more you want it, more you get ... It's the thing that nobody can't take from you when once you've got it, that you even can enjoy by yourself ... some stop on a matter, but pursue on an other, some don't ... YOUR PLAISIR ... JUST FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT) ...

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I hope I don't sound too crazy.

    RazorMind....nope....ya don't, hon.....Congratulations on the baby-to-be, cher! Now....get a grant....WHILE you're pregnant....there's TONS OF GRANTS out there for ya....and ya wouldn't hafta work and I know you could work things out with the new addition to your fam, included....


    Frannie B

    Click to subscribe to ExJWsRockandRoll

  • gambit

    RazorMind -- Congratulations !

    Don't give up. Your story is very familiar and you can overcome it and grow.

    I got out at 18, had my 1st child @ 21, 2nd @ 23, 3rd @ 26... Finally got to go back to school @ 32... Took 10 years of nights to get my degree only to figure out that I missed all kinds of stuff that I wanted learn about. Your outlook is sooo cool. There is tons and tons to learn about and the more you study and learn and open your mind, the more you find to follow up on... it's really addictive.

    I can feel your misery, thinking of walking into a campus to sign up... it took me 3 or 4 times before I could actually stand in line with the "kids"... I was a nervous wreck, embarrassed, and not part of the generation... I soon found out that all those fears, although real at the time, where inside most the "kids" AND the unique perspective you will bring to a classroom due to maturity will bring you a lot of laughter and good younger friends (as well as few that are considered "old", on campus that means over 25-28).

    I ended up getting a lot of my degree through correspondence... I had my credits accumulated through Charter Oak State College in Connecticut. They work with students all over the country and allow you all sorts of flexibilities in your studies. The other college that has a lot to offer, though I didn't use them, is Arizona State. They also do a lot of on-line teaching. Maybe these ideas will help you while the baby is younger...

    Best of Luck... gambit

  • UpAndAtom

    Dear Razor,

    Climb every mountain, search high and low
    Follow every byway, every path you know.
    Climb every mountain, ford every stream,
    Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream!

    A dream that will need
    all the love you can give,
    Every day of your life
    for as long as you live.

    Climb every mountain, ford every stream,
    Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream!


    Don't sell yourself short... and don't listen to others that do either. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I sense something very powerful about your spirit... your soul. I'm actually quite excited to meet someone such as yourself... it's no wonder you hate what you see around you, for deep down in your soul you have indeed seen so much more and I think you instinctively know it. It's no wonder you describe yourself as alien, for indeed you are surely now in comparison to your instinctive memory. Your sense of awe, wonder and beauty are wonderful attributes. An innocent babe as you put it, that needs no University education to admire all that is wonderful about this world... even the small things other people miss. I can think of no better soul to help guide another soul on it's way.

    If you want advice on the best way to move forward, then I suggest you pray, dream and meditate on those things that you identify with, no matter how unusual it seems to others; no matter how much one item of interest seemingly contradicts another. i.e. Indian food, desire to travel, even artistic or political interests.

    The most important thing, is to find something and run with it. Something, just like the song says above , that requires your whole heart, which you so gladly give to the tasks you choose.


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