The brain-washing works! A letter from a dub friend.

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiwan

    I'd send that back to her, and tell her she can use it as toilet paper, since the wt is so far up her butt!

  • undercover
    remember though, at least 2 of the brothers were apostate and while much of it may have been
    true there is no where else to go in this world.

    As Hitler's Nazi regime gained control of Germany in the 30s, many sincere German people heard of or knew of atrocities being commited but they ignored it because Hitler promised them a better world under his Third Reich. I can imagine them saying, "While much of it may be true, there is no where else to go".

  • Ravyn

    I was just wondering since she basically says it is not her problem, because she is not affected by it personally, if she thinks the child abuse in the Catholic Church is the problem of all Catholics since it did not happen to each of them personally? And does she treat that issue that way when she is out in service and comes across a Catholic?

    also it has been the stand of the Borg for many many years that what your RELIGIOUN does--YOU do by default--otherwise why should good moral people need to leave other religions and become JWs to be saved at Armageddon?

    blind double standard.


  • micheal
    Satan is already laughing at you

    This right here really helps in defining that this is nothing more than a cult. The fact that there is NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER a good reason to leave it. I mean talk about brain washed!! Someone was victimized very badly and this is the crap that they come out with? Basically they can do ANYTHING THEY EVER WANT TO DO TO YOU and it is all justified. There can never be a legitimate reason for leaving. What a pile of dung!!

  • plmkrzy

    I think you should save the letter and perhaps mail it back to her in the event she faces some ridiculous attitude adjustment via JC meeting for miss conduct. Usually things come back around to bite us in the as when we are being blind and stupid or just fail to realize our own priorities. It is obvious this person has mixed up priorities and doesn't realize it. She probably has no idea at all how she has completely disregarded what is taught in the Bible about attitude and what "my problem" means.

    Try not to hold it against her because it will only make you feel even worse.


  • Elsewhere
    Satan is already laughing at you

    A possible response for you:

    No... satan is sill laughing at you for sticking with an organization that you know actively protects petophiles.

    Matthew 7:15-16
    Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits YOU will recognize them

  • razorMind
    ...talking about how bad they are is not helping me although by no means do I have my head in the sand....and you know many do.

    Talk about a contradictory statement...

    That's the problem WITH the (pedophilia) problem; too many of them (I don't mean the victims, btw) "don't want to talk about it" and prefer to look the other way. Pretend the issue isn't there.

    PUH-LEEZE...but yet she still doesn't think she "has her head in the sand"?!?

    As if avoiding the issue will make it disappear. My mother holds the same "La-La-Land" type view on "unsavory" issues in and out of the org. Blind, blind, BLIND.

  • Odrade

    plmkrzy, I LOVED this typo:

    ridiculous attitude adjustment via JC meeting for miss conduct

    It's a great description. I think the brothers are starting to come after us for "miss" conduct. "Um, you've been missing all the meetings, what's keeping you away..."

    Heehee, have to remember that. I'm calling it that now instead of "falling out."

    Odrade (almost signed my real name I'm getting so comfortable here. LOL!)

  • Panda

    Bliss, How awful to get that letter from a fiend friend.It's always Satan laughing at you so you must stick close to the borg. What hurts about a letter like this is you really think your friends love you but they are so drugged by the opiates from WTS that they just refuse to let go of the pipe. How horrible for you and you family. Especially your child. What is wrong with these people who show no love for the children. I hate that religion.


  • Panda

    Bliss, How awful to get that letter from a fiend friend.It's always Satan laughing at you so you must stick close to the borg. What hurts about a letter like this is you really think your friends love you but they are so drugged by the opiates from WTS that they just refuse to let go of the pipe. How horrible for you and you family. Especially your child. What is wrong with these people who show no love for the children. I hate that religion.


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