Could Science Disprove Sectarianism?

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Yeah, what Little Toe said that Metatron said.

    Love is the most powerful, most irresistible force in the universe. All else is flim flam. The Virgin Mary, preaching door to door, saffron robes, secret underwear, being Methodical, being democratic, being anything other than a being of pure love is flim flam, of having the ego out of the way so that Divine love can flow through us onto others. Being like a window; a clean one which allows the light to flow through it, not from it, onto all who are inside - we then being like that mirror, being clean and clear and allowing the divine love to flow through us, not from us, onto all who chance to be in our sphere of love. God is love. Discovering how to do that is the greatest discovery a human being can make. And you don't need science to prove that. You can prove it, experience it, within your own being if you follow the two laws of The Master.


  • Francois


  • The religionists studying and living together at Urmia in comparative peace and tranquillity because they had fully surrendered all their notions of religious sovereignty. Spiritually, they all believed in a sovereign God; socially, full and unchallengeable authority rested in their presiding head--Cymboyton. They well knew what would happen to any teacher who assumed to lord it over his fellow teachers. There can be no lasting religious peace on Urantia until all religious groups freely surrender all their notions of divine favor, chosen people, and religious sovereignty. Only when God the Father becomes supreme will men become religious brothers and live together in religious peace on earth.
  • This rule of the Most Highs in the kingdoms of men is not for the especial benefit of any especially favored group of mortals. There is no such thing as a "chosen people." The rule of the Most Highs, the overcontrollers of political evolution, is a rule designed to foster the greatest good to the greatest number of all men and for the greatest length of time.
  • Carmel



  • rem

    Here is a really interesting article about an intercessory prayer treatment study by Elisabeth Targ. Her published results seemed quite exciting... until the procedural flaws were uncovered. The entire article is a great read about her research, her life, and her illness. Page 5 of the article goes into the questions about the conclusions of her research.


  • jelly

    Actually, if prayer were found to have healing benefits with a scientific study; all that study would prove would be the benefit of prayer. You could not take this finding and use it to prove the existence of some god because you would be attributing meaning to the act of prayer that may not be there. Maybe it would be the simple act of prayer that is healing in itself with out the benefit of any outside power actually aiding the petitioner. You see you are making a logical leap, benefits of prayer, if proved, does not equal proof of a god.


  • Panda

    Nilfun, Maybe the warmth you felt came from the sincerity of the praying nun? I have felt tremendous benefit from the loving touch of another human being. So whether prayer or simple touch the effect of being loved is powerful.


  • LittleToe


    Maybe it would be the simple act of prayer that is healing in itself with out the benefit of any outside power actually aiding the petitioner. You see you are making a logical leap, benefits of prayer, if proved, does not equal proof of a god.

    But without belief in a higher power, such prayer has no focus.
    For those who are detractors of the process (regardless of the true mechanics of it), why would you want to destroy a persons belief when you have no substitute to offer?

    If it can have benefits, even as a placebo to the mind, then why knock it?
    To my mind that's inexcusable.

    Note that I'm not talking here of destructive religion, merely the attitude of belief.

  • metatron

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!

    If prayer works by some miraculous fashion, then God ( to a degree) is us!

    I think a pantheistic approach is most reasonable - design and intelligence is widely distributed thru all the universe.

    "Evolution" works because the universe is alive. We don't see "God" any more than a fish notices the water.


  • rem
    For those who are detractors of the process (regardless of the true mechanics of it), why would you want to destroy a persons belief when you have no substitute to offer?

    If it can have benefits, even as a placebo to the mind, then why knock it?
    To my mind that's inexcusable.

    The fact that we can spot placebos is a huge step forward from the superstitious ways of medical treatment in the past (and that still happens in many places in the world). The problem is that people who believe in this stuff many times do not realize that their beliefs are a placebo. This is fine if they continue with traditional treatment, but some people can be convinced to terminate their traditional treatment (which is actually healing them) by other people who put too much faith in the placebo. A case in point is the article about Targ that I posted - and she was a medical doctor/scientist.

    Even worse, it seems that intercessory prayer is not even as effective as a placebo (there is no measurable effect). So by detracting it, nothing is taken away. The substitute offered is reality and a chance at a healthier life that western science has provided the world.


  • Panda

    What about the autistic child in Wisconsin about 2 weeks ago? He was being prayed over (fervently/violently) by true believers.. he died a frightened and painful death. God it makes me sick to think about what religion does to idiot parents who allow their children to suffer.

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