Yeah, what Little Toe said that Metatron said.
Love is the most powerful, most irresistible force in the universe. All else is flim flam. The Virgin Mary, preaching door to door, saffron robes, secret underwear, being Methodical, being democratic, being anything other than a being of pure love is flim flam, of having the ego out of the way so that Divine love can flow through us onto others. Being like a window; a clean one which allows the light to flow through it, not from it, onto all who are inside - we then being like that mirror, being clean and clear and allowing the divine love to flow through us, not from us, onto all who chance to be in our sphere of love. God is love. Discovering how to do that is the greatest discovery a human being can make. And you don't need science to prove that. You can prove it, experience it, within your own being if you follow the two laws of The Master.