Were you ever comfortable with the term "your spiritual heritage"?

by micheal 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • micheal

    I never really liked this term even when I was heavily in the org. The brothers tried to get everyone to feel really proud of their "spiritual heritage" like you were looking back at your own family heritage. I don't know but I never felt that closeness to my "heritage" as a jw. There was never any sentimentality toward "faithful witnesses of old". Even when I looked at past pictures of Charlie Russell, Judge Judy Rutherford and others they never had a smile on their faces, they never looked happy. They looked like old crabs. There just was no real connection to these guys.

    Did any of you feel the same way?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yup....it was like they were tryin' to get us to look upon those old codgers as our beloved ancestors, passin' the "don't smile, don't laugh, don't do anything" traditions down to us...(blech)

    Frannie B

    Click to subscribe to ExJWsRockandRoll

  • micheal

    When I saw pictures of those old guys it never seemed all that inviting. I guess jw's have been miserable since their inception.

  • Nosferatu
    Even when I looked at past pictures of Charlie Russell, Judge Judy Rutherford and others they never had a smile on their faces,

    That's one thing I had trouble figuring out. I always heard the term "Jehovah's hoopy happy people" and seen pics in the mags of smiling faces at the KH, but how come the presidents always looked so unhappy. Shouldn't Russell be smiling because he found and founded the truth?

  • tinkerbell82

    i never remember hearing that phrase. if i were the WTBTS, i wouldnt want to encourage anyone to check into that heritage too closely. i knew next to nothing about the history of JW's until i left.

  • rocketman

    Yes.....I disliked the term and felt no desire to apply it to myself. In fact, I look at it like a noose around my neck rather than a "heritage".

  • micheal

    That's true Tink. When you think about what these guys were into and where they came from, why would anyone, never mind God use these guys to bring true salvation to billions of people. It just doesn't make any sense. I guess that's why the org only wants the public to know a limited amount about these guys.

  • Valis

    My mother tried using this crap on me in regards my kids...she thinks its important for my children to go tot he Kingdom Hall so they can learn about their "spiritual heritage"....good lord! I informed her that they didn't have to go to meetings or get a bible study from her in order to learn how it works. I also assured her that they would be getting the appropriate "light" about JWland in due time...FROM ME...


    District Overbeer


    I must have been out of the Borg. when this term was bandied about.

    Heritage? I was thinking that that was more directed towards those who were raised in the False.

    Can't say I was ever inspired looking back at Booze Rutherford and C.T. Russell or any of the other wacko senior members of the Borg.

    Micheal, I'm with you....they just didn't look too happy now did they?

    Spiritual heritage: bah!

  • micheal
    but how come the presidents always looked so unhappy

    I guess because in reality there was nothing ever unique or special about who these guys were or what these guys did.

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