How much has meeting attendance gone down say the last 10-15 years at KHs do you think? In percentage
meeting attendance
by asp59 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Since their plan is to merge Congregations, I expect that the actual attendance figures (per Cong) have increased. It's good biz policy. A full building looks better and is more exciting than a 1/2 empty room. (Think Trump rally vs Biden town hall.)
I actually posed this question to my ultra-orthodox, regular pioneer, JW aunt the other day. I also enquired if she thought congs were devoid of the 18-25 year olds. Her exact words were “with out a doubt yes”. She then went on with a scripture to try and justify it. Interesting I thought.
And that scripture of course would be Matt.24:12 I guess . "and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off "
Its not only the JW`s that speak out of both sides of its mouth ,the Bible is just as guilty.
Zech.8:23 " This is what jehovah of armies has said ,it will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold ,yes ,they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a jew saying ,we will go with you people for we have heard that God is with you people"
As Jehovah`s Witnesses interpret the bible that is.
I keep asking my jw dad why are they selling all these khs in new York City. ? If there is so much growth? It's like a fire sale all over the world. Selling 3000 halls.. 8 million jws my Foot. Try like 5 million. I tell him the Wt is PICKING THE POCKETS. OF the poor brother and sisters. What a scam. He gets pissed off, because he knows it's true -
Personally watching meeting attendance from the 90s . I think it dropped abouth 40% or more. So they had no othere option then selling all the KHs. If KHs look filled now it's because all the congregations they had emerge
Sold khs mean longer travel. means more friction, resistance, odd meeting hours, days,
and how about the local appeal, travel from meeting for "field service" to the far away territory.?
shyster shepherds. The judgement starts with the house of god.
I went to our local KH out of interest two weeks ago the attendance on that day was 55 and looking at the attendance figures on the wall that was the norm the other congregation that shares the hall had a similar attendance this is well down on an average attendance of 110 in both congregations a year ago
Smiddy3 not only the JW`s that speak out of both sides of its mouth ,the Bible is just as guilty.
Exactly Smiddy that's why there is such a controversy around the Trinity. For every scripture that backs a Trinity there is one that refutes it!!
Asp59 ExJW Analyzer produced a video where a recording of an elder reading a Branch letter to his US congregation was played. It claimed in the letter that KH's in the USA were less than half full .
That would make the figures for the number of baptised publishers in the USA way off.
So it would be fairly straight forward to estimate the (rough) correct numbers. Provided,that is, we knew the number of Kingdom Hall's in the US and could agree on a figure for what a "full" congregation attendance would look like.
wt should welcome low attendance figures in many dispersed halls. because
when a local hall is sold, that had a decent easy walk - to attendance , when the longer travel for the drivel to the new, distant hall becomes onerous, attendance will really decline, and
it stymies perverts that thrive unobserved in crowds
it keeps many JWorg signs exposed, The J-word as a visual "witness" and
it reflects the "acre waterfront mountain view" site in the paradise " new world" that it promises in wr illustrations to all comers.